Sudanese doctors strike against dictatorship

This video says about itself:

7 October 2016

Hundreds of doctors in Sudan are holding a national strike demanding better pay.

The three-day protest, which began on Thursday, is also calling for better working conditions and improved security.

Al Jazeera’s Mohamed Vall explains.

From the World Socialist Web Site today:

Doctors increase strike in the Sudan

Sudanese doctors have resumed and escalated strike action to demand a wage increase, and an end to poor working conditions. A previous strike was suspended, but has now been resurrected after an agreement by the government to end the strike was not honoured.

Doctors in 138 hospitals throughout Sudan held a two-day strike at the beginning of November but after the government failed to meet their demands, they began a three-day strike on Tuesday. They are providing emergency cover. The doctors also demand protection against security forces that regularly brutalise hospital medical staff. The National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) have been detaining striking doctors and some of those doctors cannot be accounted for.

Protesting teachers also face confrontation as a result of police state measures. A head teacher was detained by NISS forces in South Darfur after organising demonstrations on November 10 against militia attacks. Other protesting teachers have also been incarcerated and are being held in detention camps in Nyala state.

2 thoughts on “Sudanese doctors strike against dictatorship

  1. Pingback: Sudanese doctors still fighting against dictatorship | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Sudanese dictatorship’s bloodbath of pro-democracy protesters | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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