Iraq war veterans on Donald Trump

This video from the USA says about itself:

Iraq War Veterans Respond to Trump’s Victory

11 November 2016

The Real News is joined in a Facebook Live conversation by war veterans Ramon Mejia and Mike Prysner, discussing the implications of Trump’s victory.

This video from the USA says about itself:

11 November 2016

The Real News speaks to protesters that marched in Baltimore against Donald Trump‘s stunning victory. Video by Cameron Granadino.

Trump Just Took Away A Lifeline For Struggling Veterans: here.

4 thoughts on “Iraq war veterans on Donald Trump

  1. Saturday 12th November 2016

    posted by Lamiat Sabin in Britain

    Johnson in massive U-turn to keep president-elect sweet

    MINISTERS launched a charm offensive on US president-elect Donald Trump yesterday in an attempt to ease panic surrounding his unexpected win — in stark contrast to previous critical comments about the brash businessman.

    Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said that Europeans should stop their “collective whinge-o-rama” and “snap out of the doom and gloom” to focus on any opportunities following Mr Trump’s victory.

    Prime Minister Theresa May and Chancellor Philip Hammond have also urged Mr Trump to keep Britain in mind for trade deals after he won the election on a protectionist and isolationist platform.

    This comes after Mr Johnson had bashed the billionaire tycoon for “stupefying ignorance” over his call to ban Muslims for entering the US, and for being “clearly out of his mind.”

    In March, he said he was “genuinely worried” about Mr Trump winning the election and that having been mistaken for the blonde bigwig himself in New York was “one of the worst moments.”

    The former London mayor had also previously criticised him by saying: “The only reason I wouldn’t go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting [Trump].”

    The Republican and reality TV star is keen to sign a free trade deal with Britain based on the countries’ “spectacular relationship,” Mr Johnson said, suggesting this was why he had changed his tune.

    He said on Friday: “[Trump’s election] is a great opportunity for us in the UK to build a better relationship with America that is of fundamental economic importance for us, but also of great importance for the stability and prosperity of the world.”

    Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said that Mr Trump’s shock win was a result of him “tapping into the real problems,” which included stagnating or falling wages, underfunded public services, insecure work and housing and bleak prospects.

    However, Mr Corbyn said Mr Trump did not offer real solutions, but instead blamed everyone else for a “broken economy and a failed political system” in a tactic resembling Tory rhetoric.

    Meanwhile, Ukip leader Nigel Farage said that he “couldn’t be happier” about Mr Trump becoming president.

    Mr Trump, who will be inaugurated in January, and Mr Farage campaigned alongside one another in August, because he said he “hates the EU even more than I do.”

    The Ukipper insisted that his transatlantic buddy would put Britain at the front of the queue for trade deals.

    Highlighting the fact that Mr Trump is known for objectifying and groping women, Mr Farage joked that he could become his mediator so that he could advise him: “Come and schmooze Theresa [May], but don’t touch her, for goodness sake.”

    He added: “If it comes to it, I could be there as the responsible adult, make sure everything’s OK.”


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