United States Black Panther history, videos

This video from the USA says about itself:

25 October 2016

We continue our conversation with the 94-year-old legendary TV producer Norman Lear, the focus of the new “American Masters” documentary, “Norman Lear: Just Another Version of You.” We spoke to him in studio last week about how his work landed him on Richard Nixon’s enemies list, the Black Panthers and what gives him hope.

This video from the USA says about itself:

26 October 2016

Fifty years after the founding of the Black Panther Party, we focus on an overlooked part of its history: political prisoners. Many former members are still held in prison based on tortured confessions, while others were convicted based on questionable evidence or the testimony of government informants.

We host a historic roundtable with four former Black Panthers who served decades in prison, beginning with two former members of the Angola Three who formed one of the first Black Panther chapters in a prison. Robert King spent 32 years in Angola—29 of them in solitary confinement. He was released in 2001 after his conviction was overturned. Albert Woodfox, until February of this year, was the longest-standing solitary confinement prisoner in the United States. He was held in isolation in a six-by-nine-foot cell almost continuously for 43 years at the Louisiana State Penitentiary, known as Angola prison. He was released on his 69th birthday. We spoke with him two days later, and I asked him how it felt to be free.

This video from the USA is the sequel.

This video from the USA says about itself:

26 October 2016

Some members of the Black Panther Party have been behind bars for more than four decades and are now suffering from poor health. In some cases, court documents show they were punished essentially for being in the black liberation struggle. Many continue to face parole board denials based on their relationship with the party. We discuss their cases with Sekou Odinga, a former Black Panther who was a political prisoner for 33 years and was released in November 2014.

This video from the USA says about itself:

Political Prisoner Eddie Conway on Joining the Black Panthers & How He Was Set Up By COINTELPRO

26 October 2016

As part of our historic roundtable with former political prisoners who were in the Black Panther Party, we speak with Eddie Conway, who was released from prison in 2014 after serving 44 years for a murder he denies committing. He was convicted in the killing of Baltimore police officer Donald Sager but has maintained his innocence, saying that he was set up as part of the FBI’s COINTELPRO.

This video from the USA says about itself:

Exclusive: Freed Panther Sekou Odinga on Joining the Panthers, COINTELPRO & Assata Shakur‘s Escape

26 October 2016

We spend the hour focusing on the Black Panther Party’s legacy of political prisoners in the United States. Perhaps the most famous is Mumia Abu-Jamal, who has regularly been interviewed on Democracy Now! as an award-winning journalist. But there are many others. In fact, two former Black Panthers have already died in prison this year: Abdul Majid in New York and Mondo we Langa in Nebraska. Joining us for our historic roundtable discussion is Sekou Odinga, who helped build the Black Panther Party in New York City and was later involved in the Black Liberation Army. He was convicted in 1984 of charges related to his alleged involvement in the escape of Assata Shakur from prison and a Brink’s armored car robbery. After serving 33 years in state and federal prison, he was released in November 2014.

15 thoughts on “United States Black Panther history, videos

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  12. 50 years ago: Black Panther leader Fred Hampton murdered by Chicago police

    Fred Hampton, chairman of the Chicago branch of the Black Panther Party and member of the Panther Central Committee, was shot and killed by Chicago police officers while he slept in his bed on December 4, 1969, at the group’s headquarters. He was just 21 years old.

    The Chicago Police Department carried out the premeditated political assassination under the guise of making arrests for illegal weapons, and using a floor plan provided to them by an informant named William O’Neil. The night before the raid, O’Neil, a petty criminal placed in the organization through the FBI’s notorious COINTELPRO program, drugged Hampton’s dinner with barbiturates that caused him to enter a deep sleep from which he would never awake.

    Upon entering the Panther offices, the police shot and killed Mark Clark, who was on security duty and was seated with a shotgun that discharged into the ceiling when he fell, the only shot fired by the Panthers during the raid. Hampton’s pregnant girlfriend Deborah Johnson tried but failed to wake him. She was arrested and removed from the room. Police then fired two shots into Hampton’s head, killing him instantly. As the police dragged his body out, they continued firing on the other Panthers, seriously wounding several. All of those not wounded were arrested.

    In his teens, Hampton was involved in the youth section of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). He helped organize hundreds of young African-Americans in Chicago’s western suburbs into the NAACP. There Hampton worked to help develop community assistance and education programs. Seeing the political limits of organizations like the NAACP, that insisted conditions can be improved by working within capitalism, Hampton moved to revolutionary politics and joined the Black Panthers in 1967, demonstrating skill as an organizer and quickly assuming a leadership position in the party.

    One of Hampton’s main initiatives as a leading member of the Panthers was to form a “Rainbow Coalition” to unite various radical and left-wing groups around a common multi-racial struggle against oppression. The Chicago Panthers also ran a free breakfast program for children that helped raise the stature of the party among the urban poor.

    Hampton’s popularity made him a target of the FBI, which began investigating the young leader in 1967. As was common in the FBI’s COINTELPRO infiltrations into left-wing organizations, O’Neil, upon entering the Panther in 1968, adopted a provocative attitude and encouraged members to engage in reckless attacks on police. O’Neil’s rhetoric made him appear radical to many of the Panther members, who lacked political experience, and he was elevated to leadership positions, even acting as Hampton’s bodyguard.

    Chicago and the FBI followed up their bloody crime with a cover-up, claiming that police had been fired upon first by the Panthers. No police officers or government officials have ever been charged with the deaths of Hampton or Mark Clark.



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