British solidarity with French workers

This video from France says about itself:

Striking rail workers speak out on movement against anti-worker French labor law

5 June 2016

WSWS reporters spoke to striking rail workers and students mobilized in solidarity with their strike at railway stations across Paris.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Trades councils stand in solidarity with France

Monday 6th June 2016

DELEGATES from trade union councils across Britain sent a message of solidarity yesterday to French workers resisting government legislation attacking trade unions and working conditions.

The delegates were meeting in Sheffield this weekend for their annual conference.

The conference elected its first voting delegate to the TUC Congress, Alec McFadden from Merseyside TUC.

The councils’ single motion to the congress will centre on a welfare charter calling for fairness and equality and opposing benefit sanctions.

Delegates collected £328 to support strikes by the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union at Pennine Food in Sheffield.

Cash will also be used to support members of the civil servants’ union PCS resisting closure of the government’s Department for Business, Innovation & Skills office in Sheffield and museum staff taking strike action in Wales.

RMT union members on rail profiteer GTRE/Southern will also be supported.

4 thoughts on “British solidarity with French workers

  1. Wednesday 8th June 2016

    posted by Morning Star in World

    FRANCE’S national rail network SNCF director Guillaume Pepy claimed yesterday that management had gone “to the farthest point possible” to meet union demands over working hours.

    Mr Pepy gave no details of the management offer, but militant rail union federation CGT-Cheminots spokesman Thierry Nier described the deal as “far from being that favourable,” insisting that the union was not in a hurry to respond.

    Conservative politicians criticised the SNCF offer as surrendering too much to unions.

    It was made against the backdrop of widespread rail service cancellations on the seventh day of a nationwide strike.

    Paris’s main airport and most of the country’s oil refineries were also hit by blockades or strikes yesterday as part of an extensive protest movement against an anti-worker Bill that would abolish some workplace protections.

    The “socialist” government argues that the Bill will encourage employment by giving employers more freedom to extend working time and lay off workers during slack periods.


  2. Pingback: French workers keep fighting for their rights | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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