Saudi Arabian government, money and 9/11 atrocities

This video from the USA says about itself:

Saudi Blackmail Stands in the Way of 9-11 Families’ Right to Know

22 April 2016

Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK unpacks Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia and what we know about the redacted 28 pages of the Congressional 9-11 Report.

Uproar Over the 28 Pages: The Saudi/CIA Connection? Here.

‘Saudi Arabian government officials supported September 11 hijackers,’ former 9/11 Commission member claims. John F Lehman said there was an ‘awful lot of participation’ by Saudi officials supporting the al-Qaeda plot: here.

9 thoughts on “Saudi Arabian government, money and 9/11 atrocities

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  4. Pingback: ‘Publish 28 secret pages on Saudi Arabia-9/11 connection’ | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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