Many amphibians saved from dangerous roads

This video, from Massachusetts in the USA, says about itself:

Berkshire Amphibian Migration — via Berkshire Outdoors

Join Rene Wendell, resident naturalist at The Trustees of ReservationsBartholomew’s Cobble in Sheffield, MA, as he takes a group of volunteers into a misty March (2011) night to help migrating amphibians cross a busy road. We encounter: spotted salamanders, spring peepers, wood frogs, four toe salamanders, red backed salamanders, and an American toad.

Translated from ANP news agency in the Netherlands:

Wednesday, February 24th, 2016 11:11

Last year, volunteers have helped about 270,000 toads, frogs and salamanders to cross roads in the Netherlands. If the average lengths of the animals are added together, that would create a procession of some 19 kilometers of amphibians; according to figures from Ravon (Reptile Amphibian and Fish Research in the Netherlands).

Common toad

The common toad was most frequently helped crossing: 116,670 times. In second place is the common frog with 14,575 transfers. The third place is for the smooth newt; which was helped 7,514 times. In Amerongen town volunteers were the most fanatical in transferring. More than 11,400 amphibians were helped to cross roads there.

Amphibian migration 2016

The mild winter weather ensures that the first amphibians of 2016 were transferred already in January. Last weekend a combination of relatively high temperatures and heavy rainfall resulted in a small surge of 3,000 transferred animals. The massive migration of amphibians is yet to come and will take some time. For the next few weeks in fact lower night temperatures are predicted. It is expected that the greatest numbers of amphibians will migrate in March.

See also here.

9 thoughts on “Many amphibians saved from dangerous roads

  1. Kudos to these good people! If I had been there no doubt I would’ve helped too! I’m always looking for animals in or near the road–I freak out and won’t hesitate to act if something is in need.


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