Dutch medieval counts ate swans and godwits

This video shows black-tailed godwits and marsh sandpipers.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Heron bones, skeletons and child soldier‘s button lay bare Counts’ Courtyard

Today, 16:29

When the counts and countesses [of the medieval county Holland] of the house ‘Die Haghe’ – the current Binnenhof – ate, swans, herons and black-tailed godwits were on the menu. Already in the 12th century there was skating on the Hofvijver. And right next to the existing tram line #1 Stadtholder Prince Maurice in 1620 had a pleasure garden built to find relaxation behind a brick wall with his mistresses.

These are just some suggestive facts from the book Het grafelijke en stadhouderlijke hof Den Haag [The counts’ and stadtholders‘ court in The Hague], which was presented today. The archeology department in The Hague has summarized 300 years of archaeological excavations and that gives a very detailed picture of life around the historic Courtyard, where Count Floris IV about 1230 founded the court Die Haghe. …

One of the most beautiful discoveries according to [archaeologist] Van Veen is a cuff button of a child soldier from the time of [King of Holland, 1806-1810] Louis Bonaparte. Around 1806 boys of about nine years were taken from the orphanages to fight. On the Malieveld field they were taught to handle weapons.

1 thought on “Dutch medieval counts ate swans and godwits

  1. Pingback: Marsh sandpiper video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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