Elephant seal blocks traffic in California, USA

This video from California in the USA says about itself:

Today, Dec 28, 2015 at approximately 1:30pm, we assisted in saving a lost juvenile male elephant seal on highway 37 east. A large juvenile male elephant seal hauled out of the Delta bay water and was sitting in the middle of the highway. He stopped traffic right ahead of us and wouldn’t move. We pulled over, I called marine mammal center to report it and they said the highway patrol is on the way. (They never arrived. ) No one else knew what to do, so we parked a distance away; I got out of our vehicle to try to help coax him back into the bay water.

This report says this northern elephant seal was a female, not a male.

See also here.

[Northern] Elephant seals recognize rivals by the tempo of their calls, by Laurel Hamers. 12:00pm, July 20, 2017.

Most of the pups born in an elephant seal colony in California over a span of five decades were produced by a relatively small number of long-lived “supermoms,” according to a new study by researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz: here.

8 thoughts on “Elephant seal blocks traffic in California, USA

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