Military base in Okinawa, Japan should go

This video says about itself:

14 September 2015

The governor of Okinawa has said that his prefecture will nullify an order approved to carry out landfill projects for a new US base. Governor Takeshi Onaga was elected last year on promises to fight the move. He says the approval given in 2013 by his predecessor for preparatory landfill work has “legal defects”, and that the local government will revoke it.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Okinawa governor seeks to halt building of US airbase

Tuesday 15th September 2015

THE governor of Okinawa prefecture said yesterday that he was taking steps to halt work on a new US military airbase on the Japanese island.

Takeshi Onaga, elected last year on promises to fight the move, said that approval given in 2013 by his predecessor for landfill work had “legal defects” and that he had begun the process to cancel it.

“We will take all possible measures to block base construction in Henoko and this is the first step,” Mr Onaga said at a news conference at his office in the prefectural capital of Naha.

The comments could set him on course for a legal battle with Japan’s central government.

US Marine Air Station Futenma is located in the city of Ginowan, part of the larger Okinawa City metropolitan area, and has been occupied by US forces since before the end of World War II.

Islanders oppose its presence not only for the noise and danger of flights but because of a string of assaults, rapes and murders of Okinawans, especially women and girls, by US troops based there and at other facilities

They oppose the move to a less heavily populated site at Henoko, which they say will simply shift the problems elsewhere, and want the base removed entirely.

Tokyo suspended the land reclamation work on August 10 to allow for a month of talks to reach a compromise with the Okinawan government.

But with no agreement reached, work resumed on Saturday despite fierce protests by residents.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said the reclamation work would continue as planned, calling Mr Onaga’s protest “regrettable.”

The Defence Ministry, which is in charge of the work, is reportedly considering the possibility of filing for an injunction if Mr Onaga revokes approval for the work.

Three-quarters of US bases in Japan and more than half the 50,000 troops are on Okinawa, which lies in the Ryukyu chain of islands that stretch south-west from Japan’s southern tip toward Taiwan, facing China to the west.

JAPANESE POLICE dragged away elderly protesters yesterday as work resumed on a new US military base on the southern island of Okinawa. Some 300 demonstrators, mostly pensioners, held a sit-in protest at the entrance to the site to call for the base to be moved off the island entirely. Others gathered offshore in canoes: here.

JAPAN’S militarist government took the island province of Okinawa to court yesterday over its objections to the unpopular US base there: here.

9 thoughts on “Military base in Okinawa, Japan should go

  1. Pingback: Stop killing Japanese dugongs for militarism | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  3. Saturday 5th March 2016

    posted by Morning Star in World

    JAPANESE Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced a suspension of work on a new US base in Okinawa yesterday and the resumption of talks with the governor.

    The national government and Okinawa’s prefectural government have been locked in a legal battle over relocating the base, with both sides suing the other.

    Okinawa Governor Takeshi Onaga, who ordered a halt to the construction work last year, welcomed the decision as “very significant.”

    Tokyo wants to move the US Marine Corps air station at Futenma, where flights pose a hazard to the surrounding city, to a more remote coastal location.

    But Okinawans want the US military off the Ryukyu islands altogether after decades of unprosecuted murders, rapes and assaults by service personnel.

    Around half of the 50,000 US troops stationed in Japan, in a continuation of the post-World War II occupation, are based in the archipelago.


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