Victory for Okinawa dugong against US military

This video is called Save the Dugong – Okinawa Dugong.

From Wildlife Extra:

Endangered Okinawa Dugong Saved from US Marine Corps – For 3 Months

Bush Exempts Navy from Court Order Protecting Whales

Dubya has a recent record of overturning legislation in favour of the US Armed forces, click here to see how he has recently exmpted the US Navy from whale protection rules.

January 2008. The seagrass habitat of the endangered Okinawa dugong is safe from the U.S. Department of Defense, at least for the next 90 days. The sea mammal will continue to swim in Henoko Bay off the Japanese island of Okinawa in the place where the United States plans to build an airbase.

US Department of Defense in Violation of Act

A federal judge in San Francisco Wednesday has ruled that the Department of Defense, DOD, is in violation of the National Historic Preservation Act for failing to consider the impacts of a new airbase on the dugong in order to avoid or mitigate any harm.

The act requires agencies of the U.S. government to consider the impacts on cultural and historic resources in other nations when undertaking activities outside the United States.

Dugong Classified as Vulnerable – Critically Endangered in Japan

The dugong is classified as vulnerable by the IUCN-World Conservation Union due to habitat destruction and degradation, as well as human exploitation. The Japan Ministry of the Environment recently listed the dugong as critically endangered in Japan.

The dugong is significant in Okinawan culture. It is associated with traditional Okinawan creation mythology, and is sometimes considered to be the progenitor of the local people. Because of its cultural significance, the dugong is listed as a protected ‘natural monument’ on the Japanese Register of Cultural Properties.

US Marine Corps Base to Move

U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma is located in Ginowan City on Okinawa, and due to social and economic changes, is now completely surrounded by urban development. Both the Marines and the Japanese want the facility moved out of the city.

Local residents voted against the base in a referendum, but Japanese and U.S. authorities have paid scant attention to the vote.

DOD plans call for construction of the Futenma Replacement Facility, FRF, about two miles offshore on reclaimed land and the reef next to the U.S. military’s Camp Schwab. The location is in Henoko Bay and squarely in the midst of dugong habitat.

Dugong as Plaintiff

The lawsuit was brought by three individual Japanese citizens, six American and Japanese environmental associations, and the Okinawa dugong, which is listed as a plaintiff in court documents.

In her ruling, Judge Marilyn Hall Patel wrote, ‘The current record contains no evidence that a single official from the DOD with responsibility for the FRF has considered or assessed the available information on the dugong or the effects of the FRF.’

23 thoughts on “Victory for Okinawa dugong against US military

  1. Indeed, thank you for reacting! I do hope that the reprieve for the dugongs lasts beyond three months; for ever.


    Thousands in Japan protest over US military

    Agence France-Presse

    OKINAWA, Japan – Thousands demonstrated against the US military on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa on Sunday, following a string of incidents involving US personnel, including alleged rapes.

    Despite pouring rain and harsh wind, demonstrators took to the streets, raising their fists and shouting slogans in protest over the heavy US military presence on the island.

    “We must bring our anger to both the governments of Japan and the United States,” Tetsuei Tamayose, one of the lead organizers, said in an address to the crowd.

    The rally was organized by local residents infuriated by the alleged rape of a 14-year-old girl by a US Marine last month.

    It was one of the largest demonstrations against the US military here since 1995, after three US servicemen gang-raped a 12-year-old, setting off a process to reduce the number of US troops stationed on Okinawa.

    “We demand the government take effective action to stop the violation of Okinawa people’s human rights,” according to a resolution read out by the protesters.

    “We demand the US military presence, namely the Marines, to be reduced.”

    The participants, including elderly sitting on camping chairs and families with small children, clapped their hands in approval of the resolution.

    But Okinawa governor Hirokazu Nakaima, an ally of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, failed to appear, angering rally organizers.

    Organizers, who had said they expected more than 10,000 people to turn up, estimated the crowd at 6,000.

    Seiji Taminato, an 81-year-old sheltering from the elements under an umbrella, said he could not have stayed at home with the demonstration going on.

    “People are very angry … I feel bad for women and children here,” he said.

    “I have watched Okinawa since wartime,” he said. “Does the United States still insult Okinawa even 60 years after the war?”

    Following last month’s alleged rape, the US military imposed a round-the-clock curfew for about two weeks on its soldiers and their relatives on Okinawa and at two other US bases in Japan.

    Japanese prosecutors dropped the case, as the teenage girl did not want to pursue it amid intense media attention.

    But with more high-profile crimes linked to servicemen even after the girl’s alleged rape, feeling against the US military presence here has remained high.

    The US military has taken into custody a 22-year-old deserter from the Yokosuka Navy base, south of Tokyo, for questioning over a killing of a taxi driver last week.

    It is also investigating allegations that a US serviceman raped a Filipina woman in Okinawa last month.

    The US military is stationed in Japan under a security treaty to defend Washington’s key Asian ally, which has been officially pacifist since World War II.#

    Over 100 anti-war protesters arrested at NATO HQ


    BRUSSELS – Around 100 anti-war protesters were arrested trying to force their way into NATO’s headquarters in Belgium on Saturday, police said.

    Police in riot gear and on horses clashed with over 500 activists from across Europe — opposed to military action in Iraq and Afghanistan and the use of nuclear weapons — outside NATO’s Brussels hub.

    Water cannons were used to prevent most of the protesters from gaining entry to the large security compound situated on the outskirts of the Belgian capital and close to Brussels national airport.

    At least one protester was taken to hospital with serious injuries after falling on barbed wire, a police spokeswoman said. “We have arrested over 100 and they are being taken to court to be dealt with swiftly.”

    A NATO official said the compound had not been breached.

    “Demonstrations are a feature of democracy. All we hope for with any such protest is that it is done in a peaceful and safe manner,” the official told Reuters.

    NATO is a security and defense alliance of 26 countries from North America and Europe with forces in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and Darfur.

    Organizers of Saturday’s “NATO Game Over” protest say without the military organization, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would not be possible. They also oppose the use of nuclear weapons.

    “Today is close to the fifth anniversary of the war in Iraq and we are protesting against NATO’s involvement and in particular European countries which are allowing themselves to be used as military hubs,” anti-war campaigner Hans Lammerant told Reuters.

    “NATO has 350 US nuclear weapons deployed in Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Britain and Turkey. According to international humanitarian law these weapons are illegal.”


  2. Okinawa assembly protests U.S. sub radiation leak

    Wednesday 17th September, 10:58 AM JST

    NAHA —

    The Okinawa prefectural assembly unanimously adopted a resolution and an opinion Wednesday protesting that a U.S. nuclear-powered submarine made port calls at a U.S. naval facility in the prefecture while water containing trace amounts of radiation leaked from it.

    Members of the prefectural assembly will deliver the resolution and opinion to U.S. government institutions based in the prefecture, possibly next week. The text of the resolution and opinion says the Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine Houston called at the U.S. Navy’s White Beach in the city of Uruma a total of five times during a two-year period between July 2006 and this April, when the contaminated water was leaking. The assembly asks the U.S. military to refrain from sending the Houston to the facility until it is confirmed safe.

    © 2008 Kyodo News.


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