Dynamics of invasive and expanding species in the Mitidja Plain, Northern Algeria

North African Birds

Bendjoudi, D., Chenchouni, H., Doumandji, S., & Voisin, J.-F. 2013. Bird Species Diversity of the Mitidja Plain (Northern Algeria) with Emphasis on the Dynamics of Invasive and Expanding Species.Acrocephalus 34: 13–26. doi:10.2478/acro-2013-0002

Abstract & full text (Open Access):

This treatise investigates the poorly studied bird fauna of Mitidja Plain (Northern Algeria), with particular notes on the occurrence and expansion of new and alien species. Direct observations, supported by ornithological surveys carried out by Progressive Frequential Sampling (PFS), a version of a point count method, have allowed us to identify 125 bird species. These represent 31% of all species known from Algeria. The species recorded belong to 14 orders, 39 families and 37 genera. According to their biogeographic origins, 36 are Mediterranean, 32 Palearctic, 24 Holarctic, 17 European and 16 of European-Turkestani origin. The Mitidja Plain holds 60 resident-breeder species (48% of all registered species) and is a transit…

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