Nature photos and video by artist Kim Boske

This Dutch video is about an exhibition in the Hilversum museum, the Netherlands at the moment. It is called I go walking in your landscape. The exhibition is by Kim Boske, photographer and videographer. She was born in Hilversum and lives in Amsterdam.

The subject of the exhibition is how time changes flowers and trees in nature, as recorded both in photos and on video.

This is another Dutch video on Ms Boske’s exhibition in Hilversum.

This video, in English, says about itself:

“I love this book, because I love Kim Boske, she’s a young artist. And I don’t love only this book, but I love her work.”

3 thoughts on “Nature photos and video by artist Kim Boske

  1. Pingback: Nature photos and video by artist Kim Boske | Gaia Gazette

  2. Pingback: Slugs mating, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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