Police brutality and racism, video

This video says about itself:

Four Cases Of Police Brutality And Racism You Need To Know

25 August 2014

It’s been more than 20 years since the police beating of Rodney King led to the L.A. riots. More recently, protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, and all around the United States are furious over the police shooting of yet another unarmed black man — Michael Brown. AJ+ takes a look back at some of the most infamous police brutality cases that inform us now.

Round up of all the solidarity actions for #Ferguson from across the country: here.

Chicago police shoot two teens to death after they refuse to drop their guns: here.

29 thoughts on “Police brutality and racism, video

  1. The police, military, politicians can do nothing else other than obey the financiers, who make money from cruelty, when the man in the street votes he is only voting for those who sell the mythology of what is of benefit and good for the public, its all deceit and lies sold to placate.


      • I have heard the cops have quotas to raise revenue for a type of taxation for the government, what many find hard to believe is the governments program for the public of austerity, like low wattage light bulbs? at the same time we having to raise money in taxation for fighter jets, nuclear submarines, and so on, costing possible trillions, I have not heard who the enemy is likely to be?Australia now looking at Japan or Germany for submarines, if these countries become the enemy how will we go for spare parts? Defense or attack is no longer a viable option as our resources are becoming depleted? also often commodities are sold at below cost, why would a attack be likely if you can get resources below cost of war?


    • I completely agree with the statement that officers are only obeying their financers. I don’t believe police brutality would exist as much if officers did not make the money they do for the amount of arrests that they have.


    • I agree; cops need to make a quota by a certain period of time which is why they pull more people over to meet the quota. Also, cops should not be harming people to meet their quota


    • Now that you brought up voting. I know believe we should have to vote for police officers. Nothing too big like we do for our political figures. But to make certain that we choose who participates in serving our community.


  2. Pingback: United Nations condemn U.S. police brutality | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Police brutality is something that should just not exist. If you train for years to protect citizens, you should be doing everything in your power not to kill or hurt them. It’s not always a matter of race in these cases, but usually that’s what it comes down to.


    • Police function is not to protect its citizens, its to protect the wealthy, the police when called in on a fracas such as a demonstration are not their to become intellectuals as to what the morals are, they are their because their job is to be obedient to orders, they are often chosen because they are required to use violence, a physical strength thing rather than the mind, or recruited because they have lost their mind.


      • I agree with you to the highest extent. It’s as if the force and society in general, including the government show favoritism when it comes to justice, resources and equality between the wealthy and the poor. Cops tend to be more lenient in most cases when dealing with people with money. Society today has become so twisted that it’s going to take a great deal of unwrapping to get back the type of equality and peace Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for, for all people.


    • I totally agree with that. The training should teach them how to better judge the situations that may arise. I know they can’t train for every situation,but they could do better to protect innocent lives.


    • While killing a someone should always be the last resort, I wish there would be an easier way to ensure this. Putting myself in their shoes, I can’t even imagine how hard it is when there’s a possible threat like a weapon being fired or a criminal charging at you. These police officers are trained to kill in these situations, but it is impossible to train them to only harm in these situations. Take the situation when a cop is being charged by an aggressor, with no knowledge whether they have a weapon or not. The amount of stress in that situation would be unbelievable, also there’s no time to grab the guns specified for bean bag rounds, and who knows if aiming for the foot or tasering the aggressor would even stop them. While nothing can prepare someone for that actual event, I believe we should provide cops with more training and more education to be ready if those events actually occur. While their job is to ensure the safety and health of citizens, than I believe they should be provided with more training and education to teach them how to ensure that even when that aggressor does attack.


  4. In my opinion, police brutality is an issue that will be hard to bring an end to. Cops, both black and white frequently abuse their power and take situations beyond where they should be. In order to stop this problem we should remove all officers who participate in the wrongful harassment of African Americans.


  5. If you train for years to protect citizens, the police should be doing everything in their power not to kill or hurt people. Race should not matter either, and the fact that racial profiling even exists shows that racism is still an issue in today’s society.


  6. It’s sad how often the police “mistake” common and nonthreatening item. Something like police brutality will be a hard thing to change until the training is changed.


  7. First off, I think a thing that occurs too often in this case is generalization: meaning a lot of people believe that all cops are evil, or all white cops are evil and racist, but that’s not always the case. There’s always a few bad apples here and there, and those are the cops we should be targeting. Second, it doesn’t have to be a racist thing. In the United States, whites make up roughly 62% while blacks make up roughly 13%. Remembering this, whites cause 69% of crimes while blacks cause 28%, but also know that blacks lead the percentage in murder and robbery crimes. With this new found knowledge you can see that as blacks in the United States have such a smaller population than whites, and have such a high percentage of crime (remembering how small their population is), than isn’t it fair to say it’s hard NOT to generalize and stereotype blacks with crime? It’s not being racist here, just stating statistics and assumptions, and a possible reason behind such brutality. Third, hispanics are seen to make up roughly 50% of gangs in the United States, blacks make up 35%, and whites make up 10%. You need to realize something here. These cops are patrolling poverty stricken, gang populated, rough part of towns for most of their shifts. So they are most likely to going to be surrounded by hispanics and blacks for a good bit of their shifts. It’s a sad thing, but yes, a good bit of these poverty stricken, gang populated, rough part of towns are mostly populated with hispanics and blacks. So when these cops come home, after spending the day with crime, in these populations where it’s mostly hispanics and blacks, than yes they are going to begin to generalize hispanics and blacks with crime as well. I guess the point I’m trying to make here, is it does not have to be another white vs. minority epidemic. It does not always have to come down to who’s racist and who’s being discriminated against. Why can we not just stop putting people into categories, and fix the problem where it starts, at those few bad apples.


    • The stats you mention state the blacks and those who are not white are drawn towards crime, nevertheless their is more work for whites, here in Australia, we have either no black presenters on TV, as far as I know, I have a preference for white skin presenters as the light reflected from their skin shows more than say black black, this is not to say the presenters who are white are nice people, a lot are rsoles, if you want to see how up themselves watch Australian TV, on ABC, I think it is Terry Jones and Emma Alberici who advertise themselves as being similar to barristers and interview the best minds? do we need these egoists? maybe the blacks would be preferable.


  8. The fact that there is so much police brutality going on and nothing is being done about it, is sickening. Police are suppose to be people that citizens can go too for protection. How are they supposed to expect us to call on them for help when they are constantly killing innocent people, turning into the enemy. They are trained to shoot to injure, not kill. The first thing the police aim for now is the chest (heart). It’s as if the only way they know to solve a problem is by ending the victim or suspect’s life. Better training needs to be done and more consequences should be made for officers who don’t follow rules and bring misery to an innocent’s person family.


  9. Wow, this issue is heartbreaking. I find it hard to believe that these cops just shot our men due to color (although I believe it is true). I like to believe that everything happens for a reason and they did it for a purpose. I don’t want to get into detail, I just know the Lord has the final sayso.


  10. I feel as if police brutality needs to stop happening unless it is for a legit reason. I’m tired of cops not getting convicted because of bullshit excuses. If the government doesn’t lock them up, then the public will start to kill these officers personally.


  11. I find it really ridiculous that these officers are getting away with murder. It makes sense for American Americans to be upset. Not only is the black community mad at the fact that blacks males are being killed, they’re mad because black males are being killed and the officers are getting away with it.


  12. Pingback: Police brutality in Michigan, USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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