Save American sage grouse, petition

From eNature in the USA:

Save the Greater Sage-Grouse. Sign Our Petition To Protect An Iconic American Bird! Take action today!

Greater sage grouse

These majestic birds are in rapid decline becaus their prairie habitat is being rapidly developed.

Please sign our petition encouraging measures to protect the sage grouse’s nesting habitat!

Dear Friend,

The Greater sage-grouse, one of America’s most spectacular birds, celebrated for its fascinating mating dance, lives its entire life in the wide open spaces of the American West, from the Dakotas to California. The sage-grouse’s sagebrush habitat is also home to a variety of magnificent wildlife, including elk, mule deer, pronghorn, and golden eagles. But these uniquely American birds face dire threats.

You can help protect our remaining sage-grouse by signing this petition!

Greater sage grouse

Sage grouse populations have plummeted during the last century because more than half its sagebrush habitat has been lost or degraded due to unbalanced management of our Western lands.

However, there is hope….

The Bureau of Land Management is creating management plans to guide conservation of the sage-grouse and its sagebrush habitat throughout the West. It will take President Obama, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, the BLM, and Western state governors working together to ensure that the BLM’s final plans provide adequate, meaningful protections while allowing responsible development.

Will you sign our petition urging action to protect our remaining Greater sage grouse?

Please urge President Obama and other decision-makers to protect the remaining healthy sagebrush habitat across our public lands for the greater sage-grouse and other wildlife that make their home in these remarkable places.

So please sign this petition. President Obama, Secretary Jewell and others need to know we ALL believe that these birds and their habitat deserve protection.

Thank you for your help– it really can help make a difference! While it may seem like “inside baseball”, the collaborative approach our petition seeks is the ONLY way that we can find a way for grouse and humans to thrive together.


Robin McVey

Robin McVey
Public Editor,

Take action today!

P.S. eNature and have teamed up to send periodic updates providing folks ways to help protect America’s wildlife. Please get involved by signing our petition today!

New study confirms effect of grazing cattle on sage grouse population decline: here.

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6 thoughts on “Save American sage grouse, petition

  1. Pingback: Greater sage-grouse in Nevada, new study | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Trump administration threatens American sage grouse | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Sagebrush birds and mammals of North America | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Greater sage-grouse in the USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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