Fukushima disaster news

This video from Japan says about itself:

Radioactive Water: Fukushima Daiichi’s Hidden Crises

NHK World News Documentary: Fukushima Daiichi Crisis

In-depth look at the struggles of the brave men trying to stop the huge amounts of highly radioactive water flowing into the Pacific ocean. They think the melted core is still in unit-1.

As one of the engineers says we don’t know how we can stop the flow of contaminated water.

This documentary explores the men working in unit-1 reactor, exposing themselves to high doses of deadly radiation. When ask about units 2 & 3 they say we have no idea what’s going on in them because the radiation levels our so high they can’t go in them.

Speculation is the cores in units-2 & 3 have burned through the containment vessels and burned its way deep into the earth. If this theory is right there’s no chance to recover the molten corium.

Tepco waited five months before releasing Fukushima data about radioactive strontium-90: here.

3 thoughts on “Fukushima disaster news

    • Yes, you are right. One is the problems is that TEPCO, owner of Fukushima, is closely intertwined with the Japanese political establishment. While General Electric who built it, is closely intertwined with the United States political establishment.


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