Bahrain regime kills again

This video is called Bahrain Funerals: Mourners Vent Fury at Monarchy.

It says about itself:

18 Feb 2011

Thousands of mourners called for the downfall of Bahrain‘s ruling monarchy and Friday prayer worshippers chanted against the king as anger shifted toward the nation’s highest authorities after a deadly assault on pro-reform protesters.

By REEM KHALIFA, Associated Press:

Bahrain: Man dies after police shooting

7:28 am, Sunday, January 26, 2014

MANAMA, Bahrain — A young Bahraini man has died after being shot by police earlier this month, authorities and members of the political opposition in the Gulf nation said Sunday, even as they disagreed on the circumstances. …

The al-Wefaq Shiite bloc said Fadhil Abbas Muslim, 19, was hit with live ammunition on Jan. 8 in the village of Markh, near the capital, Manama.

Muslim’s family received no information about him or his whereabouts until his death was confirmed Sunday, al-Wefaq spokesman Hadi al Musawi said.

Al-Wefaq hailed him as a “martyr” and alleged he was shot by government forces “who acted with premeditation to kill.”

Hundreds of mourners poured into the streets of the mostly Shiite village of Diraz, west of Manama, for his funeral Sunday afternoon, with many chanting anti-government slogans.

The man’s father, Abbas Muslim, said in an interview that he was called early Sunday to collect the body. He described his son as innocent and insisted that he was uninvolved in political activities.

From AFP news agency today:

But the main Shiite opposition group Al-Wefaq said Musallem

other way of writing the name

had been tortured “savagely”.

It said in a statement that besides a wound to his head, his body had signs of “bruises on his back, around the neck and on his face”.

His lip had also been cut and he had a “deep wound to the right shoulder”, Al-Wefaq said.

Thousands of people attended his funeral on Sunday in Daraz, a Shiite village near Manama, chanting anti-government slogans, witnesses said.

Bahrain authorities must open a full, independent investigation into Fadel Abbas’s death: here.

IN THE three years since Bahrain’s iteration of the Arab spring sputtered out in the grip of a government crackdown, Rula al-Saffar, 51, has gone from nurse to detainee to activist. At her home a stone’s throw from the hospital where she is effectively barred from working, Ms Saffar is busy with a campaign she began in December to track and tally Bahrain’s prisoners of conscience: here.

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20 thoughts on “Bahrain regime kills again

  1. Another example of the innocent tortured and violently killed by whom? just because individuals are in uniform as to remain anonymous in a institute known as police, attempting to avoid moral blame and also avoid prosecution, police have to become increasingly scrutinized for their lack of integrity and vindictive behavior, often against the innocent.


  2. New fighter jets deal hope

    By GREG FOUNTAIN , Posted on Monday, January 27, 2014

    BRITAIN remains confident that a deal to sell a squadron of state-of-the-art fighter jets to Bahrain is still on the cards.

    UK defence contractor BAE Systems, which is part of a consortium that manufactures the Eurofighter Typhoon, told the GDN that it was ready and waiting to fill any order that Bahrain might make.

    It follows the company’s participation at Bahrain International Airshow (BIAS) earlier this month.

    “His Majesty King Hamad has made certain statements in the last year saying that he is very interested in the Typhoon and we are hoping, as are the British government, that he will place an order with us,” said BAE Systems group business development director Alan Garwood.

    “It is far too early to say any more than that, but we have been listening to his intentions and if that is what His Majesty wants to do then we will deliver.”

    The GDN reported in August that Bahrain was in talks about the possibility of buying an unspecified number of Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets.

    King Hamad met with British Prime Minister David Cameron while he was in London over the summer to discuss the deal.

    Little has been said about the talks since, however, and it was feared in December that any possible deal might be under threat after talks between the Eurofighter consortium and the UAE fell through.

    But UK Defence Secretary Phillip Hammond told the GDN that he remained confident a deal with Bahrain could be done, largely down to the “deep and multi-faceted relationship” Bahrain enjoys with the UK.

    “The news from the UAE obviously was disappointing,” Mr Hammond said.

    “But we are very grateful to have had confirmation (from the UAE) that the aircraft matched all their requirements. It was nothing to do with the aircraft or its capabilities; it was the terms of the deal that was the sticking point.”

    The presence of both an RAF Typhoon and a Saudi Typhoon at BIAS 2014 offered an unique opportunity to highlight the aircraft’s features and enhancements, Mr Hammond said.

    “We know the Typhoon has got fabulous capabilities,” he said.

    “But being able to bring it here and particularly being able to put an RAF Typhoon next to a Saudi Typhoon means we can showcase this as a ‘Gulf aircraft’.

    “We hope very much that Bahrain will be joining the Typhoon family soon. I think it would be an excellent fit for the Royal Bahrain Air Force (RBAF),” he added.

    Mr Garwood agreed with Mr Hammond’s assessment, pointing out that neighbouring GCC country Oman had the Typhoon on order and that RBAF pilots already train in BAE Systems aircraft following the delivery of six Hawk Mk129 aircraft in 2006.

    “The Gulf is still a very big market for the defence industry in general and for BAE Systems in particular,” Mr Garwood said.

    “There are two great growth markets in air sales – the Gulf and Asia. It’s very stiff competition here and it’s an interesting neighbourhood with a lot going on, so of course all our main American and European friends are here as well as the Indians and the Chinese. “But that’s fine, we are used to operating in competitive markets. We have been here long enough that I think we understand the market reasonably well. That does not mean we are perfect but in Saudi Arabia and Oman we continue to win contracts and have done for decades,” he added. A spokesman for the Bahrain Defence Force Guidance and Culture Directorate declined to comment on any potential deal to purchase the Typhoon aircraft.


  3. We ask Cameron to cancel this order as a gesture of good will to people that may become victims of this technology, the outcome is a messy business, that’s why you the nice people do not see the interior of human abattoirs, it may just upset your children or put you off your dinner.


  4. Pingback: Bahraini royals live in palaces, poor people amidst sewage | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Rights Group Demands Investigation Into Custodial Death Of Bahrain Detainee

    1/29/2014 7:15 PM ET

    Amnesty International, a prominent London-based rights group, on Wednesday urged Bahraini authorities to immediately investigate the custodial death of a 19-year-old boy who was shot in the head by security forces.

    “Bahrain’s authorities must come clean and open a full, independent investigation to establish the truth about the death of Fadel Abbas. Those responsible for his death must be held to account,” Said Boumedouha, Deputy Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Program, was quoted as saying in a statement.

    “The conflicting information that has emerged over the version of events that led to his death makes such an investigation even more urgent,” Boumedouha added.

    According to Amnesty, Fadel Abbas was wounded when security forces tried to arrest him and others as they went to visit a recently released prisoner in the village of Markh.

    The rights group also quoted the Bahraini Interior Ministry as saying in a statement on January 26 that Fadel Abbas had died of his wounds after he was shot on January 8 when he “purposefully” drove a car into members of the security forces as he attempted to escape arrest for smuggling arms and explosives.

    The Ministry stressed in the statement that its forces had acted in self-defense.

    But human rights activists, who published pictures of the body of Fadel Abbas, said he sustained bullet injuries in the head and wounds to the leg during a violent altercation with security forces. Besides, the family was also not told he had been arrested upon inquiry with the police after he went missing.


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