Philippine typhoon survivors don’t get enough aid

This video is called Monster typhoon Haiyan hits Philippines.

By Peter Symonds:

A pittance in international aid for Philippine typhoon victims

13 November 2013

In the wake of super-typhoon Haiyan, which tore a path of destruction through the central Philippines last Friday, the UN has launched an appeal for $301 million to provide relief and assistance for those whose lives have been devastated. The fund, which is currently nowhere near its target, is woefully inadequate for the pressing needs at hand.

The UN itself estimates that 11 million people have been affected by Haiyan; meaning the fund will provide an average of less than $30 [a] person. According to the Philippine government, more than 2 million people need immediate food aid and at least 670,000 people have been displaced. The disaster’s full scale is still emerging as many areas have been cut off due to blocked roads, damaged airports and lack of communications. The UN has released just $25 million in emergency relief funds.

Photos and reports from the worst affected areas reveal scenes of utter devastation. As in the aftermath of the 2004 Asian tsunami, entire cities and towns have been levelled, leaving survivors without the rudiments of survival—water, food and shelter. “Water supply and power are cut. Much of the food stocks and other goods are destroyed. Many health facilities are not functioning and medical supplies [are] quickly being exhausted,” the UN emergency relief agency stated.

As of yesterday, dead bodies were still being removed from the streets of Tacloban, the main city on the island of Leyte. Thousands of survivors flocked to the airport outside town, desperate for food and water and to leave on the military planes ferrying in relief supplies. On President Benigno Aquino’s orders, the aircraft also brought in soldiers armed with automatic weapons to suppress growing anger and protect businesses from people facing starvation.

The worst affected are the working class and the urban and rural poor, whose flimsy homes and possessions were swept away by ferocious winds and storm surges. Outside the major cities, survivors in towns and villages have been left to fend for themselves.

The Guardian reported that in northern Cebu “in village after village, families line the road requesting help.” Dondon Toleng told the newspaper that some aid was arriving, but his family had to travel 20 kilometres to nearby Bogo City to get it. Profiteers are exploiting the lack of aid. “We have no fuel, we have no money, our water pumps are broken, so everything costs,” Toleng said. He explained that water cost 30 pesos, but he only earned 60 pesos a day as a sugar cane cutter.

The official death toll was 1,798 as of yesterday evening, but the actual figure is likely to be far higher. Aquino yesterday dismissed estimates by local officials that the number of dead in Tacloban alone could be as high as 10,000, saying they were “too close” to the centre of destruction. Aquino, who confronts mounting public anger over the lack of preparation and the inadequacy of the relief effort, said the final total would be about 2,500.

In the Philippines and around the world, ordinary working people have donated generously to relief appeals. Volunteers, local and international, have given up their time to assist in providing aid. In stark contrast, the major powers have offered a pittance in aid and, in the case of the US and Britain, dispatched warships to the disaster zone.

The US has upped its initial donation of just $100,000 to $20 million. Japan has offered $10 million, Australia $9.6 million, Britain $16 million, the European Union $4 million and Germany $670,000. The total, even if delivered in full, falls far short of the very modest UN target of $301 million.

Behind the ritual expressions of concern from US President Obama and other world leaders, more cynical calculations are being made. The provision of aid is completely bound up with gaining geo-political advantage at the expense of rivals. In particular, the Obama administration’s decision to dispatch the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the USS George Washington, and four other warships to the Philippines is designed to garner support in the region for the US “pivot to Asia” and its preparations for war against China.

With US backing, the Aquino administration has played an especially provocative role in pressing its territorial claims in the South China Sea against China. As part of its military build-up throughout the region, the US is seeking new basing arrangements in the Philippines. The presence of the USS George Washington, with its contingent of 5,000 sailors and more than 80 warplanes, establishes a significant precedent, provides a political boost for Aquino and further cements ties with the military in the former American colony.

The US has exploited the major disasters in Asia over the past decade in a similar fashion. Following the horrific Asian tsunami in 2004, which left at least 230,000 dead in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand, the Pentagon sent navy ships to Sri Lanka and Indonesia, putting US boots on the ground for the first time in each country, and forging closer ties with both militaries. In Sri Lanka, top US officials used the opportunity to size up the country’s long-running civil war, quietly offer aid to the Sri Lankan military in advance of the re-emergence of open conflict in 2006, and visit the coveted deep water harbour of Trincomalee. (See “The tsunami in Sri Lanka: A case study in US humanitarian missions”)

When a massive cyclone devastated Burma in 2008, the US, Britain and France stationed warships off the coast and utilised the catastrophe to pressure the country’s military junta to open up to foreign military forces and “unimpeded access.” The campaign was part of the ongoing efforts to lever Burma away from its close ties with China and open it up to Western investment, as has emerged since 2011.

The purpose of the US military’s “humanitarian mission” to the Philippines was candidly discussed in a USA Today comment by Rand Corporation analyst Jonah Blank. The Rand Corporation has longstanding and close ties with the American military and intelligence establishment.

Blank declared: “Deploying military resources for disaster relief is a remarkably effective—and inexpensive—investment in the future. One of the largest such deployments in history, the deployment of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln and other assets following the Asian tsunami of 2004, is estimated to have cost $857 million. That’s roughly the price of three days’ operations in Afghanistan last year.”

The benefits for the US were “incalculable,” Blank wrote. “Nearly a decade later, the effort may rank as one of the most concrete reasons Southeast Asian nations trust the long-term U.S. commitment to a strategy of ‘Asian rebalancing’ [“pivot to Asia].”

Praising the Obama administration’s decision to send the USS George Washington to the Philippines, he concluded: “As the Pentagon attempts to shift more of its weight to the Asian Pacific region while balancing a shrinking budget, this could turn out to be one of the best decisions it could make.”

Mayor of Typhoon-Ravaged City Urges Residents to Flee: here.

Rice after Haiyan: here.

Climate change: here.

26 thoughts on “Philippine typhoon survivors don’t get enough aid

  1. “Day of Mourning, Condolences and Comitment to Action”

    The Filipino Parish Amsterdam and the Old Catholic Church, in cooperation with Migrante Europe and Migrante Netherlands call on your solidarity in a religious mass/service for the victims of super typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), which caused the death of around 10,000 compatriots in the Visayas, hunger, thirst and homelessness to millions. Thousands more are missing.

    We will offer special prayers, light candles, sign condolence register, view video/slides of the disaster, offer songs, hear testimonies/stories from Filipinos in the Netherlands who have missing relatives and friends in the disaster areas, and pledge donations.

    You may also like to invite your employer/host family.

    We will come together in faithful commitment to LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR and our BAYANIHAN SPIRIT.

    Date: 17 November (Sunday), 2-4pm.
    Place: Chapel, Fred Roeskestraat 103, Zuid Amsterdam
    From Amsterdam CS, take Trams 16, 24 (direction Medish Centrum), Bus 170, 174. Get off at halte ijsbaanped, walk back, cross street to the right and walk ahead passing through ATC/Olympic and Loyens building.

    Rev. C.T. Taguba
    Chairperson, Parish Council


  2. November 13, 2013


    Reference: Garry MArtinez, Chairperson, 0939-3914418

    OFWs ask, “Where is national government?”

    Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) all over the world are raising serious concern over reports that five days after supertyphoon Yolanda struck the Philippines, still no government relief aid has reached millions of our kababayans in badly-hit areas.

    This sentiment was relayed by Migrante International chairperson Garry Martinez who said that OFWs have been getting in touch with them through their Sagip Migrante hotlines and social media to simply ask, “Where is the national government?”

    “They are painstakingly keeping tabs on developments, especially those who have loved ones in the badly-hit areas, and they are incredulous. They cannot fathom how days after the supertyphoon, the general situation in the devastated areas is still that of no immediate relief from government despite the influx of relief goods and support from foreign governments, NGOs, media and the general public,” Martinez said.

    Martinez said that OFWs are asking where the national government is and what it is doing because it is understandable that the local governments are presently paralyzed and equally in need of immediate relief. Even local government units, he said, seem to be asking the same question.

    “OFWs feel that the national government, apart from press conferences, is not doing anything on the ground. They feel that the national government is also paralyzed. While they call on fellow OFWs and citizens from their host countries to gather as much support as they can, they are in a quandary to explain to them why and how much-needed relief is not being urgently made available and accessible to those in need.”

    Their questions range from, “Bakit hindi masagot ni Pangulong Noynoy kapag tinatanong ng media kung kailan darating ang relief goods?”, “Ano pala ang ginawa ni Sec. Mar Roxas doon?”, “Nasaan na si Dinky Soliman ng DSWD?”, “Saan na napunta ang malalaking halaga ng foreign aid at mga donations?”, to “Why are the dead still lying on the streets?”, “If roads are impassable, shouldn’t that be the government’s first concern so that relief goods can reach far-flung areas?”, “Why are updates from the NDRRMC coming in late, much later than foreign media reports?”, and, “Do we still have a functioning national government?”

    “These are questions that need to be answered and addressed immediately. No amount of press conferences and media briefings by the national government can appease our OFWs until they see that urgent and efficient action is being done. Pres. Aquino and his government has to walk the talk. Even the seeming state of lawlessness in badly-hit areas is a result of lack of immediate relief for the victims and survivors who are in dire need of water and food. Even the foreign press and citizens of other nationalities have the impression that there seems to be no order at all,” he said.

    Martinez said that OFWs all over the world have been conducting relief efforts for victims and survivors since Day 1.

    “They are now exercising vigilance. They want to know how and when all resources will be made available to our kababayans. They want to know where the national government is. They want to make sure that our people are getting all the help they need. Can we blame them for raising these questions? Are they merely finger-pointing and baselessly blaming the government? No. If they could just as easily go home and conduct relief efforts themselves they would. But like many other Filipino citizens who are now helping, we are forced to rely on the government to get their acts together. This is the bigger and worse tragedy,” Martinez said. ###

    Office Address: #45 Cambridge St, Cubao, Quezon City
    Telefax: 9114910

    Sarah Katrina Maramag
    Campaign Coordinator and Public Information Officer
    Migrante International


    TACLOBAN, Philippines (AP) — The day after Typhoon Haiyan struck the eastern Philippine coast, a team of 15 doctors and logistics experts was ready to fly to the worst-hit city to help. On Tuesday, five days into what could be the country’s deadliest disaster, they were still waiting to leave.

    Aid is coming to Tacloban: medical supplies, pallets of water and food piled on trucks, planes and ferries, sent by the Philippine government and countries around the world. But the scale of the disaster and challenges of delivering the assistance means few in this city, strewn with debris and corpses, have received any help.

    A team from Médecins Sans Frontières, complete with medical supplies, arrived in Cebu Island on Saturday looking for a flight to Tacloban, but hadn’t left by Tuesday. A spokesman for the group said it was “difficult to tell” when it would be able to leave.

    “We are in contact with the authorities, but the (Tacloban) airport is only for the Philippines military use,” said Lee Pik Kwan.

    At the medics’ intended destination, it was getting out that was the problem. Thousands of people hoping for rescue camped at the airport and ran onto the tarmac when planes came in, surging past a broken iron fence and a few soldiers and police trying to control them. Only a few hundred made it aboard.

    “We need help. Nothing is happening,” said Aristone Balute, an 81-year-old who didn’t get on a flight out of the city. “We haven’t eaten since yesterday afternoon.” Her clothes were soaked from the rain, and tears streamed down her face.

    An Associated Press reporter drove through the town for around 7 kilometers (4 miles) on Wednesday, seeing more than 40 bodies. He saw no evidence of any organized delivery of food, water or medical supplies, though piles of aid have begun to arrive at the airport. Some people were lining up to get water from a hose, presumably from the city supply.

    “There is a huge amount that we need to do. We have not been able to get into the remote communities,” U.N. humanitarian chief Valerie Amos said in Manila. “Even in Tacloban, because of the debris and the difficulties with logistics and so on, we have not been able to get in the level of supply that we would want to. We are going to do as much as we can to bring in more.”

    Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said relief goods were getting into the city, and the supply should increase in coming days now that the airport and a bridge to the island were open.

    “We are not going to leave one person behind — one living person behind,” he said. “We will help, no matter how difficult, no matter how inaccessible.”

    Doctors in Tacloban said they were desperate for medicine. Beside the ruined airport tower, at a small makeshift clinic with shattered windows, army and air force medics said they had treated around 1,000 people for cuts, bruises, lacerations and deep wounds.

    “It’s overwhelming,” said Air Force Capt. Antonio Tamayo. “We need more medicine. We cannot give anti-tetanus vaccine shots because we have none.”

    The longer survivors go without access to clean water, food, shelter and medical help, the greater chance of disease breaking out and people dying as a result of wounds sustained in the storm.

    The official death toll from the disaster rose to 1,774 on Tuesday, though authorities have said they expect that to rise markedly. They fear estimates of 10,000 dead are accurate and might be low. More than 9 million people have been affected across a large swath of the country, many of them made homeless.

    Tacloban, a city of about 220,000 people on Leyte island, bore the full force of the winds and the tsunami-like storm surges. Most of the city is in ruins, a tangled mess of destroyed houses, cars and trees. Malls, garages and shops have all been stripped of food and water by hungry residents.

    The loss of life appears to be concentrated in Tacloban and surrounding areas, including a portion of Samar island that is separated from Leyte island by a strait. It is possible that other areas are devastated, with survivors unable to get through the region’s crippled communications and transportation systems.

    Most Tacloban residents spent the night under pouring rain wherever they could — in the ruins of destroyed houses, in the open along roadsides and shredded trees. Some slept under tents brought in by the government or relief groups.

    “There is no help coming in. They know this is a tragedy. They know our needs are urgent. Where is the shelter?” said Aristone Balute’s granddaughter, Mylene, who was also at the airport. “We are confused. We don’t know who is in charge.”

    Damaged roads and other infrastructure are complicating the relief efforts. Government officials and police and army officers are in many cases among the victims themselves, hampering coordination.

    At Matnog, the port for ferries leaving to another hard-hit island, Samar, dozens of trucks piled high with aid were waiting to cross. In the capital, Manila, soldiers tossed pallets of water, medical supplies and foods into C-130 planes bound for the disaster area.

    The United Nations said it had released $25 million in emergency funds to pay for emergency shelter materials and household items, and for assistance with the provision of emergency health services, safe water supplies and sanitation facilities. It’s launching an appeal for more aid.

    The aircraft carrier USS George Washington is headed toward the region with massive amounts of water and food, but the Pentagon said it won’t arrive until Thursday. The U.S. also said it is providing $20 million in immediate aid.

    Aid totaling tens of millions of dollars has been pledged by many other countries, including Japan, Australia and Britain, which is sending a Royal Navy vessel with aid.

    For now, relief has come to a lucky few, including Joselito Caimoy, a 42-year-old truck driver. He was able to get his wife, son and 3-year-old daughter on a flight out of Tacloban. They embraced in a tearful goodbye, but Caimoy stayed behind to guard what’s left of his home and property.

    “People are just scavenging in the streets. People are asking food from relatives, friends. The devastation is too much … the malls, the grocery stories have all been looted, “he said. “They’re empty. People are hungry. And they (the authorities) cannot control the people.”

    The dead, decomposing and stinking, litter the streets or remain trapped in the debris.

    The Philippines, an archipelago nation of more than 7,000 islands, is annually buffeted by tropical storms and typhoons, but Haiyan was an especially large catastrophe. Its winds were among the strongest ever recorded, and it may have killed more people than the previous deadliest Philippine storm, Thelma, in which about 5,100 people died in the central Philippines in 1991.

    The country’s deadliest disaster on record was the 1976 magnitude-7.9 earthquake that triggered a tsunami in the Moro Gulf in the southern Philippines, killing 5,791 people.

    The storm also killed eight people in southern China and inflicted hundreds of millions of dollars in damage to farming and fishing industries, Chinese state media reported Tuesday.


    Associated Press writers Oliver Teves, Chris Brummitt and Teresa Cerojano in Manila contributed to this report.


  3. Day of solidarity held for Yolanda victims as groups press gov’t for swift action

    Posted on 13 November 2013 by admin

    News Release
    November 13, 2013

    Different groups today held assemblies and gatherings in schools, work places and public areas to raise resources for the victims of typhoon Yolanda, even as they pressed the Aquino government to increase its efforts to provide relief and rehabilitation for the millions affected by the storm.

    Umbrella group Bagong Alyansang Makabayan has undertaken its Bayanihan Alay sa Sambayanan (BALSA) and is working with its member organizations here and abroad as well as with progressive partylist groups under the Makabayan Coalition. Its members based in Luzon and Mindanao are now undertaking relief operations for the affected provinces in the Visayas. Filipino communities abroad are also being mobilized to raise funds for the typhoon victims.

    “The devastation from the storm appears to be far greater than what the national government is officially reporting. Looting is being highlighted while acute shortage of supplies, widespread hunger and the government’s failure to deliver relief goods to the victims are being downplayed. The claim of the national government during Aquino’s November 7 televised speech that relief goods are already prepositioned and that air and naval assets are on standby now appears untrue” said Bayan secretary general Renato M. Reyes, Jr.

    “The people of Eastern Visayas are victims three times over now. First from poverty and underdevelopment brought about by unequal socio-economic relations. Second, from the systematic looting of public funds by politicians, as shown in the pork barrel scam. And third, from the devastating effects of Yolanda aggravated by slow and grossly inadequate government response,” Reyes said.

    Bayan also pointed out that in his November 7 speech, Aquino seemed to be already laying the blame for whatever tragedy that may happen on the people themselves.

    “Marami na po tayong pinagdaanan sa taong ito; tulungan na po sana natin at huwag nang pahirapan ang ating mga Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils at kanilang mga personnel,” Aquino said in his televised speech. Aquino also noted a day after the typhoon that Tacloban did not seem prepared for the storm surge brought by Yolanda.

    However, a report from CNN quoited local officials who complained that the warning from the national government was not enough and that the concept of a storm surge was not immediately understood by the local authorities.

    Bayan reiterated its call for the suspension of foreign debt payments and for the rechanneling of all known pork barrel funds towards relief and rehabilitation of typhoon affected areas. The group also wants the realigned and rebranded PDAF in the 2014 budget to be taken out of the hands of the politicians and the General Appropriations Act. ###

    – See more at:


  4. “There is no real evidence of organized recovery or relief”

    CNN, BBC, int’l media slam Aquino for ‘disorganized’ Yolanda aid response
    By Tetch Torres-Tupas
    6:11 pm | Wednesday, November 13th, 2013

    MANILA, Philippines – The international media slammed the Aquino administration’s “disorganized” aid operation in areas levelled by monster typhoon “Yolanda” (international name Haiyan).

    CNN journalists Anderson Cooper in his report said what is happening in Tacloban is a “demolition, not a construction job.”

    “There is no real evidence of organized recovery or relief,” he said.

    Cooper is among the top international journalists who are in the Visayas region covering the massive destruction inflicted by “Yolanda.”

    He said it has been five days since the storm but it is still not clear who is in charge in providing assistance in the area. Fellow CNN journalist Paula Hancocks said the search and rescue never materialized.

    Desperate scene

    “It is a very desperate situation, among the most desperate I’ve seen in covering disasters…You would expect perhaps to see a feeding center that had been set up for 5 days after the storm. We haven’t seen that, not in this area,” Cooper reported.

    He compared the Philippine government’s response to that of the Japanese government during the earthquake in 2011 where after two days, they have barely seen bodies scattered around the devastated areas.

    Cooper said even without equipment, the Japanese soldiers used sticks in search for bodies and survivors.

    BBC’s Jon Donnison also reported that “there does not seem to be an effective operation to get help to those in need.”

    Palace defense

    Malacañang, through Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda, said relief goods were getting into the city.

    But a reporter from the Associated Press who drove around Tacloban for around 4 miles Wednesday reported that “no evidence of any organized delivery of food, water or medical supplies, though piles of aid have begun to arrive at the airport.”

    A report from the New York Times said a team from Médecins Sans Frontières, complete with medical supplies who arrived in Cebu island last Saturday have been looking for a flight to Tacloban up to Tuesday but was informed that Tacloban airport is only for the Philippines military use.

    Aid accelerated

    The administration, overwhelmed by the trail of destruction left by “Yolanda,” has vowed to accelerate relief and disaster efforts as major roads have been reopened and international aid began pouring into the country.

    “It’s a logistics nightmare … that’s going to be addressed,” said Cabinet Secretary Rene Almendras, admitting at a briefing in Malacañang that the Aquino administration was not fully prepared to deal with a humanitarian catastrophe of this magnitude.

    President Aquino himself met with key officials Tuesday night to revise the masterplan for disaster response amid criticisms by local and international media networks of the slowness—if not inadequacy—of government’s aid to the victims.

    “We have to adjust; we have to expand (the masterplan). We have not seen anything at the magnitude we’re seeing now. Hundreds of thousands (are affected) now. The magnitude is big,” said Almendras.

    The President said in an interview with CNN that “the sheer number of people that were affected in these three provinces is quite daunting.”

    Five days after Yolanda struck, the national government has yet to reach all areas affected by the typhoon.

    “Now, we will (not) deny the fact and we will not insist that all have received (aid) because there are those who have not received any. What we are saying is we need help in reaching all these (people) who have yet to receive (aid),” he said.

    But Almendras said disaster response would be intensified with new directives from Aquino following the meeting.

    Limited transport capabilities

    “Well, this is the first time we are going to try it at this magnitude. So far, things are moving. So far, goods are moving. So far, the numbers are beginning to accelerate, we are stepping up. So it’s really the resources. You cannot imagine the degree of—you cannot imagine the magnitude of resources that need to be made available to do this,” said Almendras.

    Almendras cited limited transport capabilities of the government and other logistical problems for the failure to get food packs, medicines and other relief goods to the people in the Visayas soon after Yolanda left the country over the weekend.

    “How we wish … (but) we cant’ fly,” he said of only two of three C-130 transports planes currently working, and the safety issues in Tacloban City airport, which has no night-flying/landing capability.

    “It’s not within the national government control how effectively we can hit the ground. There are places (that are) very remote. (Government officials) need to know (the victims’ needs) so that we can reach them,” said Almendras.

    He said the difficulty of getting aid to the victims was due to the breakdown of disaster response mechanism on the ground, where local executives from barangay to the municipal and provincial levels—who should have been the first responders—were themselves victims of the typhoon.

    He said the government was facing “not a small amount of work to be done.” “Admittedly, (in terms of aid distribution) we are at a small level today. We have a dream” to reach all the victims as ordered by the President on Saturday, he said.

    Almendras said the government would fulfill the “challenging task assigned to us” in the coming days.

    Asked if the quality and speed with which the Aquino administration was responding to the humanitarian emergency would define the presidency, Almendras said:

    “I don’t think it is an acid test of this administration. This is an acid test of Filipino people. How well we handle this crisis will matter a lot. Yes, there will be challenges but we will move on.” With a report from Michael Ubac, Philippine Daily Inquirer

    Read more:


  5. Pingback: No electricity in Greece, caused by troika austerity | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Reblogged this on idealisticrebel and commented:
    These people faced an earthquake 3 weeks ago. We have to get aid to them quickly or more people will start dying and disease will begin to take lives. With no clean drinking water, no food, little medical care, I think the situation is desperate


  7. This is such a tragedy…but are we truly surprised about the poor response with aid? sadly, our government(s) are too busy self-serving, rather than serving. Alas, this is my cynical POV, which is why I more often than not abstain from political rhetoric. Sorry 😦


  8. Pingback: Rice after Haiyan | Science on the Land

  9. Dear friends and comrades:

    As you all know, the Philippines is in an urgent state of calamity due to what is now described by the mainstream media as the worst storm in recorded history- Typhoon Haiyan.

    BAYAN USA and our close affiliates are working together to coordinate disaster relief efforts to meet the immediate needs of those in the hardest hit regions in the country- particularly the Eastern Visayas region, where the death toll has reached over 10,000 in less than 48 hours in one city alone.

    BAYAN USA is endorsing the relief efforts of our good friends in the National Alliance for Filipino Concerns (NAFCON), and calling on all donations to be channeled through NAFCON’s Bayanihan Relief effort.

    Please donate ONLINE by visiting and clicking the DONATE button.

    NAFCON is a very trusted organization with deep links to grassroots people’s organizations on the ground in the Philippines that will ensure your generous donations will reach those most devastated by the storm.

    We must also monitor how the Philippine government is allowing this disaster to be used as a pretext to increase militarization in the areas affected. Here is a link to a disturbing development about increased US militarization under the guise of disaster relief-

    In these trying times, it will be our people power that will be the decisive force in providing adequate relief, rehabilitation, and will rebuild the scores of towns and small villages decimated by this storm.

    Marami pong salamat at mabuhay tayong lahat.
    (Thank you very much and more power to all of us)

    In solidarity,

    Berna Ellorin


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