Egyptian workers strike for safety

This video from Britain says about itself:

Workers’ Memorial Day – Trade Union Struggles: Remember the Dead, Fight for the Living

Nov 29, 2011

A film made to mark the annual Workers’ Memorial Day (April 28th) in Hartlepool, which has since been used nationally. On this day we remember the dead and fight for the living. Music is used with kind permission of the composer. Written, filmed and edited by Gary Kester, Hartlepool College Marketing Services.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Luggage workers strike over death

World news in brief

EGYPT: Cairo airport luggage handlers walked out on Saturday to protest at a colleague’s death.

EgyptAir officials are meeting the workers to hear their demands for safe working conditions.

The worker was killed when a conveyer belt used to unload planes fell on his head.

It took more than an hour for an ambulance to arrive from the airport’s hospital.

6 thoughts on “Egyptian workers strike for safety

  1. Egyptian textile workers strike

    “Workers at a public sector textile factory in Damietta have demanded the sacking of the factory’s management for delaying payments of financial allowances for over five months,” reported Ahram Online on July 31.

    The workers began the strike July 30, issuing a statement demanding the removal of the factory’s executive board for ignoring their demands.

    “Our problem with delays in our payments has been going on for years,” said the statement, stressing that the workers will continue protesting until their demands are met. reported in August: “A new rash of strikes across the Egyptian textile industry shows the challenges faced by the military-backed government installed in the wake of Mohamed Morsi’s overthrow. The new government has been in power less than a month, but workers’ protests are already on the rise.”

    Workers at Nasr Spinning and Weaving Company in Mahalla walked out on strike July 31 in protest at delays in paying their wages, as well as three months of their annual profit-sharing bonus.

    Meanwhile, workers at Stia Spinning and Weaving Company went on strike for at least 12 days, and workers at Misr Spinning and Bayda Dyers in Kafr al-Dawwar protested for 4 days.


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