Disabled people fight for their rights

This video is called Disability Rights.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Disabled protesters demand end to cuts

Monday 03 December 2012

by Our Foreign Desk

Disabled protesters across the world marked the International Day for People with Disabilities today with a huge series of events.

The cycle started on Sunday with a big rally of people with disabilities in Madrid, where more than 10,000 people, many in wheelchairs or being led by guide dogs, marched under the slogan: “SOS Disability: Save our Rights, Inclusion and Welfare.”

The protest focused on government austerity measures affecting disabled people by reducing services, closing disability centres and forcing care workers from their jobs.

In crisis-hit Greece, thousands took part in a rally in Thessaloniki today.

Greek campaigners say recent austerity cuts have left many disabled people struggling to receive proper care and state support.

Their banner said: “Handicapped people’s struggles relate to us all. You walk with us.”

In North Korea, disabled schoolchildren sang at a performance in the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren’s Palace in Pyongyang, while across the Indian subcontinent events in towns and cities marked the day with rallies and demonstrations.

And in Nepal, disabled people gathered to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilise support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities.

In Ireland, about 2,000 protesters marched to the gates of the Dail to show the government a red card ahead of the 2013 budget.

Members of the Disability Rights Coalition said they are demanding rights, not charity, and called on politicians to maintain social welfare rates.

Spokeswoman Siobhan Kane said: “Everybody talks about the big announcements on budget day, but for people with disabilities it is a gradual drip feed.

“Day by day and week by week, they are told a support or service is being taken away.”

There are 600,000 people with disabilities across Ireland – 13 per cent of the population – but the disability sector has already suffered budget cuts of 13.7 per cent since 2008.

Britain: A disabled man wrongly found fit to work has launched a legal challenge over the government’s controversial disability benefit assessment scheme: here.

5 thoughts on “Disabled people fight for their rights

  1. I went to this club in Yonkers called McNabbs several years back. While there I was surprised to see a woman who had metal braces on both her legs and was seeing a metal band. She stated that there was no handicap parking in front of the club and that she needed help to walk around the building where her handicap van had to be parked. She stated that her legs were too weak to make the long walk. I asked some of the men if they could or would help her and those requests went ignored by all of them there. I was so turned off by all of those guys after that night. They should have at least respected me enough for wanting them to help her. But they didn’t and after that I complained to the Yonkers Parking bureau in regard to it. My concerns went basically unreplied. I couldn’t carry her myself as she was struggling and crying to be strong enough to make it to her van. I was unable to unlock the handicap vans gadgets myself in order to drive it myself to the front entrance. Those metalheads were pathetic for men that night. And I was always the one that always came to their defense when there was ever an altercation/fight/etc at any and all clubs with metalheads/rockers in the past. The ER Nurse was always available. But after that night I would rather walk on them than ever help any of them again. She was a woman in need and they were lazy dispicable monsters for not assisting her. Why did I ever help them in the past to begin with? I pitied them for being drunk and starting fights all of the time. Yonkers needs handicap parking in front of clubs. End of story. Especially if men like them are dirtbag arrogant lazy pigs. They do not deserve a nurse like me to help any of them as far as I am concerned. They are all unworthy. Let them all kill eachother from now on. I am busy.


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