British railway bosses bonus scandal

British fat cats, cartoon by Martin Rowson

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

£1.7m bonus for rail chiefs

Tuesday 03 July 2012

A new row over executive pay erupted today after a union claimed plans were being drawn up for a new bonus scheme for Network Rail executives.

The Transport Salaried Staffs Association (TSSA) said senior bosses at the firm would be in line to share £1.7 million in 2014.

NR said no executives will receive a bonus this year and no decision had been taken about any future payments.

Any long-term arrangements, covering 2012-15, will be voted on by members at its AGM, it added.

The firm also said a letter had been sent to members from the chairman of the remuneration committee, proposing to increase the base salary of executive directors in line with the outcome of an internal management pay review.

Suggested performance-related payments will be put to the AGM for approval.

TSSA general secretary Manuel Cortes said: “NR is in all but name a public company receiving £4 billion a year in direct subsidy.

“Passengers want to see that money go into producing a better and cheaper railway, not into the wallets of directors who are already handsomely rewarded.”

Bus workers in London were set to strike again on Thursday of this week to demand that bosses award them an Olympic payment: here.

7 thoughts on “British railway bosses bonus scandal

  1. Olympic bus talks are re-opened

    INDUSTRIAL: A planned strike by London bus workers tomorrow in a row over an Olympic bonus was suspended today to allow for further talks.

    Unite union members were planning to walk out today and again on July 24, a few days before the opening ceremony, over a claim for a £500 bonus for working during the Games.

    Acas chief conciliator Peter Harwood said: “I am pleased to announce the suspension of both the pending court action and today’s strike.”


  2. London bus drivers’ strike suspended by union

    A strike by bus drivers over Olympic Games bonuses was suspended Wednesday, the day before it was due to begin.

    Union officials are reportedly considering a new management offer.

    Bus companies have offered a meagre bonus of £583 to drivers working 24 of the 29 days that the multi-billion-pound Olympic Games are on, or £700 for drivers in busy garages.

    Bus workers went on strike last month and a further strike day is planned on July 24, days before the Games begin.

    Around 4,000 London bus drivers are to be balloted again after a high court injunction prevented staff at three operators—London General, Arriva the Shires, and Metroline—taking industrial action over Olympic Games bonuses on June 22.


  3. Rail minister gets chauffeur driven car

    The minister responsible for rail fares has been going to work in a chaffeur-driven car instead of taking the train.

    Simon Burns’ car costs £80,000 a year to make the trip from Essex to Westminster. He claims he needs the perk for “security reasons”.

    It comes after transport minister Norman Baker said rail fares are “not that expensive” and passengers are getting a “premium service”.

    Rail fares rose by up to 6.4 percent this year. Some tickets have gone up 70 percent in a decade.


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