British police attacks workers

This video from Britain is called Save Coryton 2012.

By John Millington in England:

Coryton protesters attacked by police

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Essex police attacked a peaceful demonstration outside Coryton oil refinery today in what trade unionists described as an “unprovoked assault.”

Officers pushed, punched and assaulted trade unionists, supporters and even some of the partners of the Coryton workers who had turned up to protest against the 800 job losses expected at the plant after it went into administration in January.

Speaking to the Star in the wake of the attack, Unite rep at the plant Russell Jackson insisted that the protest had been peaceful and “running smoothly” until officers threatened him with arrest.

“During the middle of the international speaker (a Spanish miner) the police decided to try and move us on,” he said.

“They instructed me to move people on or I would be arrested.”

Despite the initial intimidation, Mr Jackson said people stood their ground and grew angrier when wives appeared to be targeted.

“Then they start pushing people away and not in a gentle way,” he said.

“We had wives there with one officer putting an elbow in one of their faces and punching another peaceful demonstrator.”

Mr Jackson added that he was “stunned” by the police behaviour and suggested that bosses were worried by the growing media attention around the campaign.

Shell is reportedly interested in buying Coryton but plans to turn it into an import terminal – stripping the plant of its refinery capacity.

“If this goes ahead Britain will be completely dependent on energy from outside. We could be held to ransom by a corporation and that is not in the national interest,” he said.

Mr Jackson said five people were arrested – three of them members of the National Shop Stewards Network.

Trade unionists from other unions who had turned up to show solidarity to Unite members also spoke to the Star about the day’s events.

RMT assistant general secretary candidate Steve Hedley urged a swift response to the “unprovoked assault” on the workers.

“The trade union response should be to call a mass demonstration outside that oil plant.”

An Essex Police spokeswoman said: “This afternoon’s tensions saw protesters seek to disrupt the business of the refinery and fail to comply with requests to move back to the area which had been agreed.”

Update: here.

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