22 protest song videos

This 2014 video is called Top 10 Protest Songs.

By Staff, Moyers & Co. in the USA [as usually on my blog, I added links; this time mainly to lyrics]:

A 21 Protest Song Salute

Wednesday, 23 May 2012 11:45

Singer and activist Tom Morello says it’s his job as a musician “to steel the backbone of people on the front lines of social justice struggles, and to put wind in sails of those struggles.” Here’s a list of 21 songs that have done just that — from Woody Guthrie’s This Land is Your Land to Public Enemy’s Fight the Power.

Submit your own song suggestions in the comments below. If you have protest songs of your own on YouTube, include links to them or tag them “moyersprotestsong.”

[Warning to parents and teachers: Some songs contain profanity. Also, Moyers & Company and Public Affairs Television do not endorse any advertisements or promotional links contained within the embedded videos.]

Which Side Are You On, Florence Reece (1931)

Strange Fruit, Billie Holiday (1939)

This Land Is Your Land, Woody Guthrie (1940/1944)

We Shall Overcome, sung here by Joan Baez (traditional)

Folsom Prison Blues, Johnny Cash (1955)

A Change is Gonna Come, Sam Cooke (1964)

Times They Are A-Changing, Bob Dylan (1964)

Compared to What? Les McCann and Eddie Harris (1969)

Fortunate Son, Creedence Clearwater Revival (1969)

Give Peace A Chance, John Lennon (1969)

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, Gil Scott-Heron (1970)

Ohio; Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young (1970/1974)

What’s Going On, Marvin Gaye (1971)

Get Up, Stand Up, Bob Marley (1973)

Zombie, Fela Kuti (1977)

F— tha Police, N.W.A (1988)

Fight the Power, Public Enemy (1989/1990)

The Ghost of Tom Joad, Bruce Springsteen, featuring Tom Morello (1995)

Clandestino, Manu Chao, (1998)

Sleep Now in the Fire, Rage Against the Machine (1999)

American Idiot, Green Day (2004)

Singing Solidarity: Video Song Collection: here.

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