Endangered honeyeaters released in Australia

This video from Australia is called Helmeted Honeyeaters road to recovery.

From Wildlife Extra:

Critically Endangered Honeyeaters released into the wild in Australia

Helmeted Honeyeaters released to save species

May 2012. Fifteen critically endangered Helmeted Honeyeaters were released into the wild as efforts by the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) (Australia) and Healesville Sanctuary continue to save the bird from extinction.

Survives at just 2 sites

The release will boost the numbers to an estimated 100 in the wild at just two sites; Bunyip State Park, 20km south-east of Gembrook and Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve, 18km south of Healesville.

DSE’s Senior Ornithologist Bruce Quin said this is the first time Helmeted Honeyeaters have been released in this section of Bunyip State Park. “The park was burnt by the Black Saturday fires; however, wild birds moved into the site once it started to regenerate. They are surviving here with no supplementary feeding that suggests ideal habitat,” Mr Quin said.

“The birds were fitted with transmitters, for tracking purposes, and transferred to aviaries at Bunyip State Park earlier this week to allow them to get used to their wild environment without danger of predation, especially from birds of prey. All released birds are also leg banded making it easier to track them.”

2 thoughts on “Endangered honeyeaters released in Australia

  1. Pingback: Rare whale beaches in Australia | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Saving helmeted honeyeaters in Australia | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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