Godwits and little lambs

Today, again to the “Baillon’s crake reserve”.

Near the southern entrance: Canada and grey lag geese, tufted ducks, a male teal.

This is a video on tufted ducks near Ijburg, north of Amsterdam.

A moorhen on the grass.

A great cormorant drying its wings on the top of the windmill.

A male common pochard swimming in a canal.

A mute swan. Two oystercatchers.

In the southern lake: male and female shoveler. Mallards. Northern lapwings on a mud bank. Gadwall ducks.

A grey lag goose drives away two Canada geese.

In the northern lake, over a hundred black-tailed godwits on the muddy island.

Two shelducks.

In the ditch along the railway: a couple of great crested grebes.

Great tit and greenfinch sound.

In the northern meadow, a group of three hares. Further away, a hare cleaning its fur. An oystercatcher. Scores of coots. Jackdaws. A wood pigeon. Two grey lag geese.

Two redshanks on the muddy island between the godwits and lapwings.

A starling on the meadow island in the northern lake searches for insects.

The sheep have very young lambs, including two black ones. They are here in the reserve to prevent too dense growth of plants.

Loaves of bread around the sheep, as extra food for them. The adult sheep and the lambs do eat it (though one lamb prefers its mother’s milk). But the loaves also attract scores of black-headed gulls, herring gulls, a lesser black-backed gull, magpies, jackdaws, coots, mallards, and domestic geese.

Some black-headed gulls already have a black, or rather: dark brown, head. But most are still in winter plumage.

In the southern lake, a male reed bunting sitting on an old reed stem.

Just to the south of the southern exit, coltsfoot and crocus flowers.

In the village, lesser celandine flowers. A great tit calls.

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