Greek austerity and military dictatorship

This video is called Greek Demonstration May 2010 – Athens.

The sudden dismissal of the Greek military’s high command Tuesday night, amid international uproar over a proposal for a referendum on an EU debt plan, has all the hallmarks of an action taken to preempt the threat of a military coup: here.

The fact that Papandreou has had to sack the Greek Military General Staff at the same time as he has angered Sarkozy and Merkel with his announcement of a referendum on the EU’s austerity programme for the Greek workers and poor is no surprise: here.

Caretaker Government in Athens? Greece Backs Away from Referendum Plans: here.

The G20 summit beginning today has been thrown into desperate crisis over the increasingly likely failure of Greece to meet the terms of the latest tranche of loans from the European Union, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank: here.

No deal – G20 leaders wind up dud summit: here.

The G20 meeting has once again revealed the deepening fractures in the world economy and the inability of the ruling elites to even begin to tackle them: here.

3 thoughts on “Greek austerity and military dictatorship

  1. Pingback: Thatcherism causes hunger and homelessness in Greece | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Papandreou breaks promise to Greek people | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: British military coup d’etat for stopping Corbyn? | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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