Baby giant octopus video

From Science News Blog:

Video: Baby Giant Pacific Octopuses at Vancouver Aquarium

C.C. – a giant Pacific octopus at the Vancouver Aquarium – laid a large batch of eggs last October. 300 of the eggs hatched earlier this month. Some of the giant Pacific octopus babies can be seen in the video below. The tiny babies are only 5 millimeters in length.

Dr. Dennis Thoney, director of Animal Operations at the Vancouver Aquarium, says, “Although it is not unusual for octopus eggs to hatch in aquariums, very few hatchings have ever survived. Chances of survival are very low because giant Pacific octopuses have a seven to ten month long pelagic larval stage. To further our knowledge of octopus reproduction, we will attempt to feed and maintain some [of] the larvae for as long as possible.”

Caribbean Reef Octopus: here.

9 thoughts on “Baby giant octopus video

  1. Giant octopus chooses own name

    9:09 AM Tuesday Jun 26, 2012

    A giant Pacific octopus that’s the star attraction at an Ohio zoo’s new reef exhibit has chosen her name by pulling shrimp from a labeled ball.

    A list of 2,200 suggestions submitted to the Akron Zoo in a public naming contest was narrowed to three options Monday for the 9-kilogram, 1.2-metre-long octopus, and she chose Cora. It’s a shortened version of coral, which is a popular octopus habitat and the theme of the exhibit.

    The Akron Beacon Journal reports the octopus made her decision by selecting the ball labeled Cora, pulling out shrimp, and then holding up the winning name with a tentacle as photographers captured the moment.

    The most-submitted name suggestion had been Octavia. The other option, Scarlet, referred to the creature’s reddish skin.



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