British economic crisis after the riots

Cameron and the English riots, cartoon

From daily News Line in Britain:

Tuesday, 16 August 2011


PRIME Minister David Cameron announced plans for a National Citizen Service, as well as a crackdown on parents and school pupils, during a speech in Oxfordshire yesterday.

He claimed last week’s youth uprisings ‘were not about government cuts’, ‘not about poverty’, ‘this was about behaviour, people showing indifference to right and wrong.’

Equality campaigners slammed David Cameron’s attempt to blame parents and “fatherless” households for the recent riots as “cheap” today and called for a halt to social support cuts: here.

Pervasive unemployment and poverty in London areas hit by riots: here.

English riots: Daylight Robbery, Meet Nighttime Robbery, by Naomi Klein: here.

Driving families into greater poverty won’t address the despair of young people, says Jeremy Corbyn: here.

Punitive sentencing is a worrying sign of things to come, writes Liz Davies; here.

Britain’s employment rate is struggling to return to pre-recession levels because the government’s so-called austerity measures are hampering economic growth, union leaders warned today: here.

4 thoughts on “British economic crisis after the riots

  1. Bigot behind police support

    David Cameron was quick to praise the million people who signed up to the “Supporting the Met police against the London rioters” Facebook group last week.

    The founder of the group is Sean Boscott, who bloggers quickly uncovered as a disgusting racist.

    He had made a number of bigoted “jokes” on his Twitter page.

    One comment was, “So the story of Barack Obama rising to become President is being chronicled in a new film. It’s called Rise of the Planet of the Apes.”

    The pro-police Facebook page had mysteriously disappeared from Facebook by Friday of last week.

    Surely the prime minister should be checking the roots of a group before he uncritically praises it?

    But all he cares about is cracking down on the young people and others opposing his brutal rule.

    Simone Murray, Carlisle


  2. Rioting youths clash with police

    SWEDEN: Unrest erupted overnight today in the country’s second city of Goteborg as police came under attack from youths who hurled rocks and Molotov cocktails.

    A police car was incinerated and two others were vandalised.

    No-one was seriously injured in the attacks although two officers reported burned eyes after being targeted with laser lights.

    Police spokesman Lars-Gunnar Gustafsson said no arrests had yet been made and police were unsure about what had sparked the disturbances.


  3. Pingback: England after the riots | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Unequal British women | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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