Protest against Greenland deepwater oil drilling

This video from Britain says about itself:

Greenpeace UK on 27 May 2011

We took Paula Bear – our latest addition to our campaigns team – down to Cairn Energy’s HQ. Cairn are the only company drilling for oil in the Arctic this year. To make matters even worse, they won’t publish their oil spill response plan. Arctic drilling has got to stop.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Oil bosses put on the spot by green activists

Monday 18 July 2011

Activist dressed as polar bears protested inside the headquarters of a firm behind Arctic oil exploration today.

More than 60 Greenpeace campaigners, about half of whom were wearing the animal outfits, entered the offices of Cairn Energy in Edinburgh demanding the company publishes details of how it would respond to an oil spill.

The environmental group has targeted the firm before and occupied a drilling vessel operated on its behalf in the region.

Cairn announced in June that it had begun drilling in two wells approximately 100 miles and 185 miles off Nuuk, the capital of Greenland. Each drilling operation is in water deeper than 2,953ft.

Campaigner Paul Morrozzo said: “More than 50,000 people have written to Cairn bosses demanding that they come clean over their oil spill response plan and our volunteers braved freezing Arctic seas to board Cairn’s rig and look for these secret documents.

“In response, the rig master told the volunteers that if they wanted the plans they should go to Cairn’s HQ.

“That’s why today we’ve come to look inside their HQ.”

See also here.

From the Morning Star again:

Greenpeace ‘gagged’ by big oil

Wednesday 20 July 2011

An oil giant has been accused by green campaigners of exploiting its “legal muscle” to stop anti-drilling protesters trying to occupy its offices.

Cairn Energy was granted an injunction to prevent future occupations by Greenpeace campaigners today after they entered its headquarters in Edinburgh dressed as polar bears.

The injunction imposed by the court of session in Edinburgh also bars activists from publishing any pictures they took during their action on Tuesday, including on Twitter and Facebook.

More polar bear cubs die as Arctic ice melts: here.

Latest BP Oil Spill Took Place at Facility Employee Warned Was “Operating in Unsafe Condition”. Jason Leopold, Truthout: “A BP pipeline that ruptured over the weekend and spilled as much as 4,200 gallons of methanol and oily water into the Alaskan tundra took place at a facility that one of the company’s employees said in an internal email ‘was operating in [an] unsafe condition.’ The email, obtained exclusively by Truthout and highlighted in an investigative report published a year ago, was written in January 2010 by an employee who works at the Lisburne Production Center, site of the Saturday’s pipeline rupture”: here.

Where did the Gulf’s spilt oil and gas go? Here.

Greenland Research Station Reveals Past and Future of Climate Change Impacts: here.

Greenland’s current loss of ice mass: here.

A decade ago most experts would have thought it impossible. But several teams of scientists say the Arctic ice cap had shrunk to its smallest recorded extent, volume and area: here.

5 thoughts on “Protest against Greenland deepwater oil drilling

  1. Immediate action must be required in order to overcome this problem, oil spilling may ruin the gallon of water and water environment and also be harmful for other water bodies.


  2. BP reports Alaskan leak

    By Tom Bergin and Yereth Rosen, Reuters

    Tuesday, 19 July 2011

    BP has reported another pipe- line leak at its Alaskan oilfields, frustrating the oil giant’s attempts to rebuild its reputation after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

    A pipeline at BP’s 30,000 barrel per day Lisburne field, which is closed for maintenance, ruptured during testing and spilled methanol and oily water on to the tundra, bringing risks to slow-growing vegetation. The stretch of pipeline will have to be dug up to investigate why it failed.

    The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation said the spill amounted to 2,100 to 4,200 gallons and the field would remain closed.

    A BP spokesman said the clean-up was under way and the company would determine the cause “in due course”.


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