Australia’s snubfin dolphins threatened

This is a snubfin dolphin video.

From Wildlife Extra:

Australia’s only endemic dolphin may not survive next three generations

Fewer than 1,000 left

June 2011: Australia’s only endemic dolphin needs legal protection or it could become extinct within three generations, a new report by WWF warns.

DANGER: Snubfin dolphins are being hit by boats

With funding assistance from bank ING DIRECT, WWF has finally collected enough information on the elusive snubfin dolphin to support its listing as a Threatened Species under Australia’s premier environmental law, giving it the legal protection it needs to survive.

They are offered virtually no protection

‘Other than in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, there is virtually no protection of snubfin dolphins. Even inside the marine park snubfins are killed by nets and displaced by coastal developments,’ said Lydia Gibson, WWF’s tropical marine species manager.

‘Although snubfin dolphins have managed to survive massive environmental changes over the past 20,000 years, they may not last another three generations unless we take the necessary steps to protect them.’

Two endangered snubfin dolphins killed in Australia: here.

Farmers adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef urged to reduce pesticide use: here.

Bottlenose dolphin born in Aberdeen harbour: here.

Humpback whale feeding in Aberdeen harbour: here.

Humpback And Killer Whales Sighted In Irish Waters: here.

Britain: Decline in bottlenose dolphins is linked to pollutants; here.

June 2011. The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) appears to be under threat of censorship after the boss of Keflavik Airport in Iceland ordered it to remove whale conservation adverts: here.

3 thoughts on “Australia’s snubfin dolphins threatened

  1. Pingback: Migaloo, white humpback whale, back off Australia | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Great Barrier Reef threatened by Queensland government | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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