Greek anti-austerity fight continues

This is a video of anti-cuts demonstrators in Athens, Greece.

Greece’s embattled prime minister struggled to defuse an escalating revolt within his Socialist party today over his refusal to back down on new austerity measures that have sparked a wave of industrial unrest and mass street protests: here.

This video is called Greece in Turmoil Over Austerity Measures.

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou kept the political wolves from the door today with a hasty cabinet reshuffle aimed at appeasing cuts-hungry global financiers: here.

Greece may be facing austerity measures but that hasn’t stopped it from splurging millions on high-tech weapons: here.

Czech transport unions shut down the Prague underground for the first time in its history and halted the railway system today in the broadest strike so far against the right-wing government’s plans to raise the retirement age, increase taxes and limit welfare benefits: here.

Hungarian trade unionists staged protests across the country on Thursday against a government assault on public-sector workers: here.

A Spanish court announced today that it will investigate the country’s top banker – Banco Santander chairman Emilio Botin – and 11 of his relatives over possible income and wealth tax evasion: here.

2 thoughts on “Greek anti-austerity fight continues

  1. Pingback: Greek workers fight on | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Libya peace initiative blocked | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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