Fukushima disaster continues

This 2013 video is called Ex-General Electric Engineer Highlights Critical Fukushima Reactor Design Flaw.

Another video used to say about itself:

Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Safety Concerns Raised Over 35 Years Ago

2011-03-23 13:46

Long before the Fukushima nuclear plant was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami, there were warnings.

More than 35 years ago, General Electric engineer Dale Bridenbaugh resigned over concern about the safety of the nuclear reactor design used in the Fukushima plant.

[Dale Bridenbaugh, Former General Electric Engineer]:
“As I said, it’s a long story, but I decided that I wasn’t comfortable working where I was and I decided to resign from GE. But at the time there was such a hullabaloo going on in California. I and two other guys who worked at GE, decided we’d do it publicly and make a statement to try and make sure improvements would in fact be made in the way the program was being managed.”

The California resident says he was immediately worried when he heard of the quake and subsequent tsunami.

[Dale Bridenbaugh, Former General Electric Engineer]:
“Well, I knew that Fukushima was there. In fact, I had visited the Fukushima plant some time in the ’70s – ’74 or ’75. At that time, there was only one reactor there, Fukushima 1, and that had been built by General Electric for Tepco. When I saw what was happening in northern Honshu with the earthquake and the tsunami that followed, I thought, ‘man, that’s a real problem area’. And then when I learned that the tsunami had apparently lost all on-site power including emergency generators, I thought this is really going to be a problem.”

Bridenbaugh takes little pleasure in his “I told you so” moment.

[Dale Bridenbaugh, Former General Electric Engineer]:
“The solution that I have is like shutting the barn door after the horse has been stolen. I wish that we had taken more seriously some 30 or 40 years ago some of the concerns that I had at that time and had worked hard on the development of alternative energy forms. That wasn’t done.”

Now more than 10 days after the quake, parents who live near the nuclear plant take their children to a medical center to be tested for radiation levels.

The U.N.’s nuclear watchdog says the plant is still emitting radiation, but the exact source is unclear.

Japanese authorities warn nuclear crisis to continue for months: here.

Japan seeks Russia’s help over nuclear leak: here.

Eleven million litres of water from Japan’s tsunami-ravaged nuclear complex are being pumped into the Pacific Ocean: here.

A British [nuclear] Trident submarine is returning to its home port after a mechanical failure led to loss of power while on a training exercise, the Ministry of Defence said today: here.

1 thought on “Fukushima disaster continues

  1. Pingback: Fukushima disaster radioactivity below Japanese beaches | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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