WikiLeaks disclosures and witchhunt

This video is called Close Your PayPal Account – Wikileaks Protest.

The British Independent newspaper reported Wednesday that US and Swedish officials were engaged in closed door discussions aimed at delivering WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange into American custody: here.

WikiLeaks documents show Shell Oil domination of Nigeria: here.

The Australian Labor government of Prime Minister Julia Gillard is becoming increasingly isolated in its support for the US-led persecution of WikiLeaks and its editor and Australian citizen Julian Assange. Gillard has publicly labelled Assange’s actions as “illegal”, while figures from across a broad spectrum of the political, legal and media establishment are speaking out in his and WikiLeaks’ defence: here.

A diplomatic cable from the US embassy in Beijing during 2007, leaked by WikiLeaks, has provided an insight into the concerns within the Chinese regime over continuing economic and social problems, as well as the relatively friendly relations between Chinese officials and American diplomats prior to the 2008 global financial meltdown: here.

Assange Lawyers Prepare for U.S. Spying Indictment: here.

WikiLeaks’s diplomatic data dump strongly suggests that the [British] Conservative Party has links with a Ukrainian oligarch who in turn has – according to the diplomatic cables – admitted to links with an eastern European criminal: here.

2 thoughts on “WikiLeaks disclosures and witchhunt

  1. Pingback: Wikileaks revelations and persecution | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: WikiLeaks, Shell oil, and Nigeria | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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