Cholera, occupation soldiers kill Haitians

By Bill Van Auken in the USA:

Protesters shot dead as Haiti cholera toll tops 1,000

17 November 2010

Haiti remains tense in the wake of Monday’s violent clashes between protesters and United Nations troops that left at least two dead and 16 wounded in Cap-Haitien, the country’s second-largest city.

The port city, approximately 300 kilometers north of the capital of Port-au-Prince, was still largely paralyzed on Tuesday, with schools, public offices and businesses shut, streets blocked by barricades of burning tires and sporadic gunfire reported. The bridge leading to the city’s airport was blocked with welded metal barriers.

The United Nations sent a contingent of Spanish troops to reinforce its garrison in Cap-Haitien.

Violence erupted on Monday after thousands of demonstrators took to the city’s streets to protest against the UN occupation force (known as MINUSTAH, for United Nations Stabilization Mission In Haiti), which many blame for the cholera epidemic that has now claimed more than 1,000 lives, and to denounce the government of Prime Minister Rene Preval for failing to adequately confront the spread of the disease.

The UN troops and Haitian police attempted to disperse the crowd with tear gas, setting off a stampede in which several people were injured. Demonstrators responded with a hail of rocks and, according to UN officials, gunfire. The troops fired on the crowd, killing one youth with a bullet through the back in Quartier Morin, just outside the city. Another man was shot to death in Cap-Haitien. The number of wounded was reportedly as high as 16, with several in serious condition.

Smaller demonstrations were also reported in the towns of Hinche and Gonaïves, in the center and north of the country, as well as in the capital. In Hinche, a crowd of several hundred threw rocks at a Nepalese unit of UN troops, which has been widely blamed for the cholera outbreak.

Public health officials insist that it is difficult to determine with certainty how the bacteria was introduced into Haiti, which has not had any cases of cholera in a century. However, the outbreak began shortly after the arrival of the Nepalese battalion last month. Nepal has recently confronted its own cholera epidemic. Reporters visiting the troops’ base found sanitation problems, with human waste being released into the Artibonite river. The area has been the epicenter of the cholera epidemic, which has been traced to the river’s contamination. Scientists at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, meanwhile, have confirmed that the strain of the bacteria is common to south Asia.

Suspicions that the UN troops introduced the deadly disease into Haiti have inflamed underlying resentments of the so-called peacekeeping force, which was deployed in Haiti in the aftermath of the US-orchestrated coup that overthrew President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and forced him into exile in 2004. Numbering some 12,000 troops, the Brazilian-led MINUSTAH is widely seen as an occupation force dedicated to suppressing popular unrest.

UN officials in Haiti attempted to dismiss the upheavals in Cap-Haitien as the work of political agitators seeking to destabilize the country in the run-up to national elections scheduled for November 28.

In a statement, MINUSTAH claimed, “The way the events unfolded suggests that these incidents were politically motivated, aimed at creating a climate of insecurity on the eve of the elections.” The statement continued, “MINUSTAH calls on the population to remain vigilant and not let itself be manipulated by the enemies of stability and democracy in the country.” The UN officials gave no indication as to the identity of these “enemies.”

Popular outrage in Cap-Haitien and elsewhere in the country has been fueled by the rapid spread of cholera. Haiti Libre reported that “corpses of people who had died of cholera littered the streets of the city over the weekend.” It quoted a Cap-Haitien city official as saying that “At least 20 bodies have been collected since Friday by the health authorities.”

There were similar reports from Gonaïves, in the north of the country. “On Friday there were reports of around 30 people ‘dropping dead’ in the streets of Gonaïves,” the British Independent reported. “The mayor is said to have joined residents in burying the dead, according to Jane Moyo of ActionAid. In rural areas surrounding the city, there were unconfirmed reports of whole families dying without any help, as local people shun the sick amid growing fear of the disease.”

On Tuesday, Haiti’s Ministry of Public Health and Population released its latest figures on the cholera toll, reporting that the number of dead had risen to 1,034 as of Sunday, with 16,799 people having been hospitalized.

It also confirmed that cholera is spreading in Port-au-Prince, with 875 people reported hospitalized and 38 dead in the metropolitan area. Health officials and aid agencies have expressed fear that the disease could prove uncontrollable in Port-au-Prince, where more than 1 million people remain homeless in squalid tent cities as a result of the earthquake that killed more than a quarter of a million Haitians last January.

However, according to the UN’s humanitarian coordinator in Haiti, Nigel Fisher, the outbreak has been seen thus far more in the city’s slums, like Cite Soleil, which have even less access to clean water and sanitation than the tent cities. “This does not mean that the camps will be spared,” he warned.

In a videoconference with reporters, Fisher contradicted government officials, insisting that cholera has spread to all 10 of Haiti’s departments (the government had claimed that 4 had not seen any cases). Referring to the demonstrations, he said that the disease had become a “national security” issue.

“The death toll will increase significantly, which will not be a surprise,” said the UN official. Many believe that the government’s official count of cholera cases and deaths is a significant underestimate, with many infections and deaths, particularly in the more backward rural areas, going unreported.

The UN has estimated that as many as 200,000 Haitians could contract the disease over the next several months. Health experts have warned that, given the conditions of extreme poverty and inadequate infrastructure in Haiti, the Western Hemisphere’s poorest nation, cholera will remain a problem for years to come.

Hospitals and aid organizations are already overwhelmed by the number of sick and dying. Many are asking what happened to the billions of dollars pledged by the US and other countries in the wake of the earthquake, only a fraction of which has ever reached the country. The UN has issued a fresh appeal for a paltry $163.8 million in emergency funding to confront the current crisis.

Cholera, while highly contagious, is easily contained and easily cured under conditions in which there is ready access to clean water, sanitary facilities and medical care. For the vast majority of Haiti’s impoverished population, however, these conditions are out of reach.

According to a 2008 study, only 41 percent of Haiti’s population have access to latrines, and only about half have access to safe water. At least 71 percent are without access to clean water at least some of the time. In the countryside, conditions are far worse. In Artibonite, the center of the epidemic, less than a third enjoy either clean water or adequate sanitation.

These conditions obviously preexisted the devastating earthquake last January. In 2008, Partners in Health, a Boston-based NGO, together with other aid groups, issued a report entitled “The Denial of the Right to Water in Haiti,” which stated:

“Widespread lack of access to clean water ranks as one of Haiti’s most significant obstacles when it comes to meeting basic human rights standards. Historical legacies of inequality, disempowered or corrupt governance and persistent levels of extreme poverty have all contributed to the Haitian government’s systemic inability to deliver clean water to its people. Lack of access to this crucial resource continues to impact all aspects of life for the vast majority of Haitians, contributing to poor health, food shortages, and diminished educational opportunities. The result: a vicious cycle of contaminated water consumption, ineffective public hygiene, persistent health crises, and—beneath it all—chronic and deeply embedded poverty.”

The report indicted the United States and the Democratic administration of President Bill Clinton for sabotaging Inter-American Development Bank loans destined for the country’s water infrastructure and distribution systems. The Clinton administration sought to block the money as part of an effort to destabilize Haiti’s government and bring to power a regime more subservient to Washington’s interests in the region.

In the intervening decade, conditions have only deteriorated further, as US policy has sought to subordinate the country’s development to investments by multinational companies seeking cheap labor, while trying to placate social unrest through the deployment of a myriad of NGOs and aid organizations. A weak and corrupt central government has done next to nothing to develop the country’s infrastructure, leaving the Haitian people defenseless in the face of a succession of calamities, culminating in January’s earthquake and the current cholera epidemic.

Meanwhile, the government in Nepal censors the bad news. From Fast Company:

Huffington Post Among Nepal’s Banned Websites, Connection to Haiti Cholera Outbreak Possible

BY Jenara Nerenberg

Fri Oct 29, 2010

One of the banned sites–the Huffington Post–reported yesterday that the source of Haiti’s cholera outbreak could be from a Nepalese peacekeeping base.

The Nepalese government has been in discussions about banning particular websites for several months, but the ban was only actualized today. It mostly targets porn sites, but others, such as the punk band The Sex Pistols’ Web page, was included in the ban. Among the 60 outlawed destinations is the Huffington Post.

The news comes at a time when the government is largely in flux, as it has been for months, and the Interior Ministry spokesman, Jai Mukunda Khanal, is the representative who broke the news to the public today.

“The websites have been banned because they violate public decency and courtesy,” Jai Mukunda Khanal said. The ruling also applies to messages posted on Facebook and Twitter. Anyone displaying, transmitting, and broadcasting materials deemed indecent–or post messages defaming political leaders or other public figures–could be jailed for up to five years and fined as much as $1,420, according to the AP.

So why HuffPo? Yesterday the site published a report, originally published by the Associated Press, that the source of the Haiti cholera outbreak may be from a Nepalese peacekeeping base in the country, a report which in itself is unconfirmed.

UN ‘peacekeepers’ in Haiti ‘fathered hundreds of children and abandoned their young mothers to poverty’: here.

Concern is growing with the first case of cholera having been detected in the Dominican Republic across the border from neighbouring Haiti: here.

Florida woman, recently returned from Haiti, diagnosed with cholera: here.

The BirdLife Caribbean Program has secured over US$250,000 from the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) to strengthen Haiti’s environmental civil society/ NGO sector in the aftermath of the January 2010 earthquake: here.

5 thoughts on “Cholera, occupation soldiers kill Haitians

  1. Scientist warns of mass Haiti extinctions

    November 17, 2010

    University Park, Pa. — A U.S. biologist says Haiti is on the brink of experiencing mass extinctions like the times when dinosaurs and other species suddenly disappeared from Earth.

    Penn State biology Professor Blair Hedges says captive breeding, gene preservation and other species-rescue programs are needed for Haiti’s threatened frogs and other species, a university release said.

    “During the next few decades, many Haitian species of plants and animals will become extinct because the forests where they live, which originally covered the entire country, are nearly gone,” Hedges said.

    “The decline of frogs in particular, because they are especially vulnerable, is a biological early-warning signal of a dangerously deteriorating environment, just as a dying canary is an early-warning sign of dangerously deteriorating air in a coal mine,” he said.

    Hedges has discovered at least five new frog species during three expeditions to Haiti this year, but he was unable to find two species that may now be extinct because they have not been seen in 25 years.

    Frog species have been disappearing worldwide during the last 10 to 20 years, and one-third of the 6,000 frog species on Earth now are threatened with extinction, researchers say.

    But 92 percent of Haiti’s 50 frog species are threatened, the highest percentage of any country in the world.

    “Less than 1 percent of the original forest is left in Haiti, which is a lower percentage than in any other country that I know of,” Hedges said. “There definitely is no other place in the western half of the world — and some scientists would argue in the entire world — where the extinction threat is greater than in Haiti.”


  2. Cholera unrest dying down

    Haiti: Rioting fuelled by cholera fears died down in the north of the country today, a day after a third protester was killed in Cap Haitien.

    The riots erupted in northern and central Haiti on Monday amid rumours that a month-old cholera epidemic that has killed more than 1,000 people was brought to Haiti by UN peacekeepers from Nepal.


  3. Pingback: Haitian cholera caused by foreign soldiers | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Ex-dictator back in Haiti | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: Rare Haitian frogs rediscovered | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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