Baby tigers video

This video from the USA says about itself:

For the first time, the three Amur tiger cubs at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium stepped outside of their birthing den into the larger birthing room. Previously, the cubs peeked out, but their mother, Toma, would bring them back inside. Today, Toma went out with them.

Public outcry fells Russia auction for logging rights in key tiger habitats: here.

This is a Dutch TV video about tiger conservation.

Recipe to save the world’s tigers: more prey please: here.

November 2010: How many tigers are left in the wild can now be monitored accurately from their paw prints and scat (faeces), ecologists have shown for the first time. The new technique finally gives conservationists a low-cost and reliable way of assessing tiger numbers, information that is crucial to saving the species from extinction in the wild: here.

India’s tiger numbers increase for first time in a decade, says census: here.

Guardian: Thailand jungles mask surprise rise in tiger numbers: here.

June 2011: The discovery of plans to log key Amur tiger habitat in a proposed UNESCO World Heritage Site has led to a public outcry demanding the cancellation of the logging lease in Russia’s Primorsky Province: here.

Joanna Lumley, Ricky Gervais and Sir Roger Moore join a host of stars fighting to save the last 3,200 wild tigers on earth: here.

India’s tigers gain numbers but not ground: here.

5 thoughts on “Baby tigers video

  1. Tiger treaty signed in St Petersburg

    Russia: Officials from the 13 countries where tigers live in the wild have signed a declaration aimed at doubling the world’s tiger population by 2022.

    The accord signed on Monday stipulated that they will also preserve and enhance their habitats and crack down on poaching and illicit trade in tiger pelts and body parts.

    The number of tigers has plunged some 95 per cent over the past century. The 3,200 remaining tigers are under threat from poachers and habitat loss.


  2. Congress is voting as soon as TOMORROW to drastically cut funding from a vital conservation program to save threatened tigers, elephants and countless other species.

    With many of these animals already teetering on the brink of extinction, the decimation of a core strategy for their protection could spell disaster.

    We can’t let this happen. Write your Representative today and ask them not to give up on a future with wild tigers, elephants and other endangered species.

    The proposed budget strips millions of dollars in funding to the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) – an organization that brings together world governments, non-profits and the private sector to address the world’s biggest environmental challenges.

    It’s impossible to overstate the impact of conservation programs like the Global Environmental Facility and the effect on wildlife. With only 3,200 tigers left in the wild, the GEF played a critical role this past year in bringing the plight of tigers into the world’s spotlight.

    * The GEF helped co-author the WCS report that identified 43 “source sites” as the key to saving tigers in the wild.

    * It was a leading force behind last November’s successful Global Tiger Summit in Russia, the world’s first gathering of heads of state dedicated to saving a single species.

    Now is not the time for the U.S. Government to back down on our commitment to save threatened wildlife and wild places.

    We’re working with conservation leaders in Washington to fight these cuts, but we need your help too!

    Please, send a letter to your member of Congress right now and ask them to stand firm on funding for conservation programs.

    Thanks for all your help.


    John F Calvelli
    Executive Vice President
    Wildlife Conservation Society


  3. Children could soon grow up in a world without wild tigers. These big cats are threatened by organized gangs of poachers who use explosives, poison bait, and wire traps to catch and kill them – and then sell their skins, bones, and other body parts.

    It’s our global responsibility to stop the extinction of tigers at the hands of poachers. If we cannot save this awe-inspiring icon of nature, what hope do we have of protecting any other species from extinction?

    Congress is debating funding levels for the Multinational Species Conservation Funds (MSCF), including the Rhino-Tiger Conservation Fund. With the funds at risk of major cuts, the wildlife are at risk of losing their lives. And with tigers facing slaughter daily, we can’t wait one more day to save them.

    Please, tell your members of Congress to help save tigers from extinction by supporting the Multinational Species Conservation Funds.

    Last November, at the groundbreaking Tiger Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, the 13 countries where wild tigers still occur came together and agreed to support the Global Tiger Recovery Program. They pledged to work together to stop the trade in tiger parts, prevent habitat loss, and save tigers from extinction.

    But this isn’t something that these countries can do alone.

    Saving tigers is a global struggle. Tigers’ continued existence depends on U.S. support of wildlife enforcement efforts and stopping the illegal international wildlife trade. We must be leaders in this race if these magnificent cats are to survive.

    The Rhino-Tiger Conservation Fund helps conservation organizations such as WCS work directly in countries where wild tigers still live, including India, Thailand and Russia. Support from our leadership for these important conservation programs will signal to the world that we won’t stand by and let tigers become extinct. And this year, these important programs are in danger of cuts of up to 30 percent.

    Like you, our lawmakers know that saving tigers is the right thing to do – but they need to hear from their constituents before they act. The letter you send today will let them know that you’re watching what they do for tigers.

    Help us reach our 75,000 letter goal: Send a message for tigers to your representatives today.

    Every time I read about another tiger that’s been killed for its skin or its bones, I am deeply disturbed – and it reinforces that we can’t wait one more day. Wild tigers are a treasure that this world just mustn’t lose.

    Thank you for doing your part to save tigers,

    Liz Bennett
    Vice President, Species Conservation
    Wildlife Conservation Society


  4. Pingback: Single tiger dad brings up cubs | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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