Dutch anti-Roman Catholic homophobia action

This 2011 video is called A view inside St. John’s Cathedral, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.

From British daily The Morning Star:

Dutch walk out over homophobic communion

Monday 01 March 2010

Hundreds of people walked out of a Catholic church in the Netherlands on Sunday in protest at a priest’s refusal to give communion to a man on the grounds that he was homosexual.

People shouted and sang as they walked out of the Sint-Jan church in ‘s-Hertogenbosch a month after a priest in the nearby town of Reusel declined to give a communion wafer to an openly gay man during pre-lent celebrations.

Most Dutch people support equality for gay people, but the Catholic church insists on teaching that homosexual activity is sinful.

The man who was refused communion in Reusel said that all he wanted was to be treated the same as other Catholic congregants.

He said that if he was refused communion because he was a sinner, other sinners of all kinds should also have been banned from receiving the sacrament.

But ‘s-Hertogenbosch priest Antoine Bodar insisted that “receiving the wafer is not a right – someone is looking for a confrontation here.”

This is a Dutch video about the anti-homophobia action.

See also here.

2 thoughts on “Dutch anti-Roman Catholic homophobia action

  1. Gays welcome at communion after all

    Wednesday 03 March 2010

    Gay Catholic activists and the church authorities in Den Bosch have reached a compromise deal over communion, the Volkskrant reports on Wednesday.

    The deal means it will be up to gay Catholics themselves to decide whether or not they should accept communion, the Volkskrant says. ‘Serious sins’ should first be confessed, the agreement states.

    Officially, the Catholic church regards homosexuality as a sin.

    The compromise follows a row over the refusal of a local priest to give communion to the openly homosexual carnival prince – a traditional part of the pre-Lent festivities.

    Last weekend, a service at the St Jan church in Den Bosch was disrupted by activists and the communion celebration cancelled.



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