Economic crisis, workers’ resistance

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Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) — Bloomberg’s Philipp Encz reports on the strike action taken by pilots at Deutsche Lufthansa AG.

The German pilots’ union Cockpit has announced a strike starting Monday affecting Germany’s biggest airline carrier Lufthansa, Lufthansa Cargo and German Wings. Some 94 percent of pilots voted in the ballot for the strike action: here. Update here.

Britain: TODAY Unite is announcing the result of its second strike ballot in three months for 13,000 BA cabin crew, which is expected to show a big majority for strike action: here.

Thousands of furious British Airways cabin crew staff have given a resounding response to their bosses’ use of the anti-union laws to outlaw their strike with another overwhelming vote to walk out: here.

Britain: Top economists demand austerity measures: here.

Hundreds of trade unionists have blockaded the Athens stock market on the eve of a general strike against the indebted PASOK government’s regressive austerity programme: here.

A strike by French oil refinery workers has spread to facilities owned by the US ExxonMobil corporation, triggering shortages at petrol stations and raising the pressure on Paris to step in and resolve the dispute: here.

Australia: Bowing to several weeks of pressure from the media and opposition, the Rudd government suddenly terminated a prominent program—its $2.5 billion home insulation scheme—and sent a signal of its willingness to cut public spending: here.

1 thought on “Economic crisis, workers’ resistance

  1. Owners forced to put pets down

    Animals: Pet lovers are being forced to have their pets put down because of rising veterinary bills, new research has claimed.

    The Sainsbury’s Finance study found that 56 per cent of vets have had to euthanise cats or dogs during the last five years when owners were unable to afford treatment.

    And 88 per cent of vets questioned said they had experienced animal owners rejecting a course of treatment or operation because they could not pay for it.


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