Honduran dictators murder gay activist

This is a video in Spanish on the murder of Walter Trochez.

From Direland blog:


Walter Trochez, 25 years old, a well-known LGBT activist in Honduras who was an active member of the National Resistance Front against the coup d’etat there, was assassinated on the evening of December 13, shot dead by drive-by killers. Trochez, who had already been arrested and beaten for his sexual orientation after participating in a march against the coup, had been very active recently in documenting and publicizing homophobic killings and crimes committed by the forces behind the coup, which is believed to have been the motive for his murder. He had been trailed for weeks before his murder by thugs believed to be members of the state security forces.

In an open letter documenting this wave of political assassinations of Honduran queers he’d written last month entitled “Increase in hate crimes and homophobia towards LGTB as a result of the civic-religious-military coup in Honduras,” Trochez had written that “Once again we say it is NOT ACCEPTABLE that in these past 4 months, during such a short period, 9 transexual and gay friends were violently killed, 6 in San Pedro Sula and 3 in Tegucigalpa.” At the end of this open letter, Trochez declared that “As a revolutionary, I will always defend my people, even if it takes my life”. Sadly, that’s what happened. (READ THE FULL TEXT IN ENGLISH OF TROCHEZ’S OPEN LETTER HERE. …

See also here. And here.

Murders of resistance activists in Honduras: here.

In Honduras, the Putschists Adorn Themselves With Legitimacy: here.

Rwanda’s lower house will reportedly vote today on a revision to the penal code which would criminalise homosexuality: here.

6 thoughts on “Honduran dictators murder gay activist

  1. 29 Nov, 03:05

    Honduras: dictatorship recruiting right-wing extremists as “observers”

    Jean-Guy Allard

    In order to cover up the invalidity of the upcoming November 29 elections, the usurping regime of Roberto Micheletti is heavily recruiting—via an association of pro-coup businesspeople — “observers” from right-wing extremist organizations.

    “Between 300 and 500 observers have now been confirmed,” was the headline on the daily La Prensa, owned by the local magnate, Jorge “Pepsi” Canahuati, while the author of an article inside the paper claimed, with pro-coup fervor, that “about 600” of these “international observers from Northern, South and Central America” will be present at the elections.

    Finding such observers when all international agencies devoted to this activity have refused to cooperate has been entrusted by the military/business junta in Tegucigalpa to one of its most active partners, Amilcar Bulnes, president of the Honduran Council of Private Enterprise (COHEP).

    Bulnes told the daily La Prensa — owned by his friend Canahuati — that the election process “is central to providing a better investment climate,” which should be based on “social stability.” This opinion is shared by the hierarchies of the army, police and death squads run by Billy Joya.

    “They will come from the United States, Europe, Chile, Argentina, Colombia and Central America,” Bulnes specified, revealing that two of them are among the most “eminent” representatives of the continent’s extreme right-wing forces: the former presidents of Guatemala, Alvaro Arzú, and of El Salvador, Alfredo Cristiani.

    It has already been announced that the coup regime’s elections will feature representatives — also described as “observers” — from the neo-Nazi group UnoAmérica; the Latin American and Caribbean Network for Liberty, an appendage of the Liberty Foundation financed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED); and the Foundation for Social Analysis and Studies, run by the former Spanish prime minister, José María Aznar.

    The organization UnoAmérica, tied to the CIA and financed by the NED, was involved earlier this year in a plot to assassinate President Evo Morales of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

    Granma International


  2. Honduras: Video — Which Way? Audio — Ricardo Salgado discusses
    situation after the `election

    January 10, 2010 — In October, 2009, a delegation of human rights
    observers from Chicago visited Honduras to witness the popular
    resistance to the coup d’etat. We interviewed many leaders of the
    movement, and recorded abuses against them perpetrated by the coup
    regime and its military apparatus. This video is a short example of the
    spirit of the resistance by the Honduran people, which continues despite
    the fraudulent election that took place on November 29, 2009.

    * Read more http://links.org.au/node/1449


  3. Moves afoot to charge military

    Honduras: The Supreme Court agreed to hear a request by the chief prosecutor on Monday to charge the country’s top brass with abuse of power for sending President Manuel Zelaya into exile.

    The court said in a statement that it had asked the six members of the Joint Chief of Staff to attend a hearing on Thursday.

    Supreme Court president Jorge Rivera would hear the case before deciding how to proceed, the statement said.



  4. Pingback: British Christian Rightist supports killing Ugandan gays | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: Xenophobic homophobia in Austria | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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