New tree species discovered in Guyana

Carapa guianensis, a relative of the new species


New tree species discovered in Guyana is rich source of oil

Rhett A. Butler,

December 09, 2009

# Summary: Carapa akuri is a new tree species endemic to Guyana
# Carapa akuri produces oil-rich seeds valuable for a range of uses
# Carapa akuri may provide another reason to conserve Guyana’s forests

After years of lobbying, a new bill has been approved which will improve protection of Guyana’s biodiversity: here.

Guyana Strives to Protect Forests and Coast from Climate Change: here.

Groundbreaking Trust Fund Helps Keep Nature Alive in Guyana: here.

3 thoughts on “New tree species discovered in Guyana

  1. Guyana/Germany forest protection deal must be fulfilled

    Friday, 19 November 2010 02:47

    – says new German Ambassador

    THE pact that was sealed between Guyana and Germany in April for financial cooperation on tropical forest protection must be “filled with life”, according to new German Ambassador to Guyana, Stefan Schlueter. Ambassador Schlueter made this comment to members of the press after handing over his Letters of Credence to President Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday, replacing his predecessor Ambassador Ernest Martens.
    [German Ambassador to Guyana Stefan Schlueter greets President Bharrat Jagdeo.]

    The Guyana/Germany agreement will make an additional 5 million Euros (G$1.36B) available to fund the protection of one of the most important ecosystems of the world. This second agreement takes Germany’s financial support for Guyana’s tropical rainforest up to 8.1 million Euros (G$2.2B)
    Existing protected areas, as well as securing the establishment of new protected areas, will be the initiatives under which the funds will be directed.
    The project is part of Germany’s support in the fight against climate change in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Region with which Germany has had long lasting cooperation in a number of programmes and projects.
    Among them are those that promote the Caribbean Renewable Energy Development Programme (CREDP) which started in 2004 with a 6.75 million Euro German Government fund and a 5 million Euro to mitigate the effects of climate change on coastal areas in the Caribbean.
    Ambassador Schlueter told the media that climate change is a pressing issue at the global level and has been an area given much attention by President Jagdeo who has gained global recognition.
    He alluded to Guyana’s nature-based tourism which he said is being highlighted for greater awareness in Europe.
    “We have some areas now where we are establishing tourism-related projects near your beautiful falls which I hope I can visit next time I am here … I hope that Guyana will be established as a country that will be receiving more and more investment in the coming years. There is fierce competition globally for investment,” Ambassador Schlueter said.
    He extended congratulations to Guyana for its assumption of the chairmanship of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) ahead of the three-day meeting.
    He described it as an important step towards regional integration, and pointed to several Latin American countries that are growing at a fast rate.
    At the bilateral level, Ambassador Schlueter said the two countries will be working together in the framework of the United Nations. He pointed to the support which Guyana gave to Germany’s appointment to the Security Council as a non permanent member for the next two years.

    Last Updated ( Friday, 19 November 2010 02:51 )


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