Immigrants’ rights violated in the USA

This video from the USA is called Chicago’s Immigrant Rights/Workers Rights March.

Human Rights Watch released a report Wednesday detailing how US authorities are indiscriminately transferring thousands of detained immigrants away from their attorneys and family members in order to prevent them from fighting deportation: here.

3 thoughts on “Immigrants’ rights violated in the USA

  1. I am very pleased and excited to present to you our latest project Cuéntame and your hosts Axel Caballero and Ofelia Yañez.

    Join us as we tackle wide-ranging subjects from latest in Latino culture, music and arts to exposing Tea Party racism and Glenn Beck’s dangerous hate speech.

    – Robert Greenwald

    ¡Hola Friends, Colleagues and Supporters!,

    As hosts of Cuéntame we want to tell you a bit about ourselves, the project and about our latest campaign against Tea Party racism and violence.

    Both Ofelia and I have seen with great sadness and frustration how Tea Partiers have unjustly and unfairly targeted the Latino community to further their political agenda. This is why our latest campaign exposing Tea Party racism has hit a nerve, not only within the Latino community but also with many folks across the country who like us are fed-up of all the hatred, the violence and the bigotry peddled by teabaggers.

    From calling Mexicans “filthy, stinking animals,” to listening the likes of Tom Tancredo and Sarah Palin deliver hateful speech after hateful speech to the increase use of violence in their words and actions, Teabaggers have come out in full force against our community.

    We are fed up and are ready to fight back. You can help us not only by watching and spreading our videos, but also by joining our page and recruiting your friends – Latino or not – to do the same:

    Watch the first video: “Exposing The Racism”

    Watch the second video: “Demand An Explanation”

    Watch the third video: “The GOP Supports the Teabaggers”

    Tea Partiers boast a presence of hundreds of thousands on social networks and in order to be able to expose their true colors we need as many of you, your family and friends to join Cuéntame and take action.

    Cuéntame is a community of Facebook users where Latinos and the general public can connect and interact with fellow Facebook fans, activists, artists, bloggers, public figures, musicians journalists and other community members. In Spanish Cuéntame has a double meaning: “Count me in,” and “Tell me your story.”

    Both Ofelia and I are very proud to be part of this project. As Latinos living in Los Angeles, we are thrilled to be able to inform and engage our community around the most important issues nationwide that are impacting the daily lives of our friends and families.

    Ofelia was born in Mexico City. Her parents, wanting to flee the heavy crime and in an effort to provide a better education for their children, decided to migrate to the U.S. about 20 years ago when Ofelia was six years old.

    I was born in the northern city of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico three hours from the border with Nogales, Arizona. I am what you would consider a border child, always going back and forth between both countries until finally residing permanently here in the United States eleven years ago.

    We are looking forward to seeing and talking with you directly on Facebook and want to thank you in advance for becoming part of this project.

    Hasta pronto,

    Axel Caballero, Ofelia Yañez
    and the Cuéntame team


  2. Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:03 pm (PST) . Posted by:

    “bigraccoon” redwoodsaurus


    In the boldest move on immigration policy of his presidency, President Barack Obama is set to announce plans Thursday evening to dramatically increase deportation relief for an estimated 4.4 million undocumented immigrants. The executive action will protect parents, as well as those who came to the U.S. as children and others with long-standing ties to the country, from being forced out of their homes.
    The announcement will cause mayhem on the Hill, as Republicans threaten lawsuits, a showdown over funding the government, and blocks to Obama’s nominees. 

”We’re considering a variety of options,” incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on the Senate floor Thursday morning. “But make no mistake. When the newly elected representatives of the people take their seats, they will act.”

    Obama’s plan will make a number of changes to immigration policy, such as renaming and revamping the controversial Secure Communities policy, which states and localities across the country have increasingly opposed. It will also redefine Immigration and Customs Enforcement priorities to ensure agents are focusing on recent border-crossers — defined as those who came after Jan. 1, 2014 — along with convicted criminals, suspected terrorists and potential threats to national security. The new policies broaden opportunities for high-skilled workers and could lead to further changes in how visas are distributed. The resulting changes could bring the amount of people given legal protection under the executive action to nearly 5 million.

    But the centerpiece — and the most contentious portion — is its relief for undocumented immigrants, which could lead to millions of people being shielded from deportation and made eligible to work. About 4.1 million will likely be eligible for a new policy that allows undocumented parents of U.S. citizen and legal permanent children to stay in the country and work legally, if they have been in the U.S. for five years or more and pass a background check, officials said.

    Others will be protected through alternative means, including an expansion of the Obama administration's 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy, which gives deportation relief and work authorization to young undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. Expanding DACA could allow 270,000 additional undocumented immigrants to qualify, officials said. The program currently is available only to those who were under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012 — the day the policy was announced — but will no longer have an upper age cap. Under the present-day program, only undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. before 2007 could apply; that cutoff date will be moved to Jan. 1, 2010.

    All people granted deferred action through the new program and DACA expansion will get relief for three years, a change from the current two-year DACA program.

    Supporters of the action have called it a historic move, and one that could keep millions of families from being separated.

    Obama Set To Protect Millions From Deportation


    “We’re going to be focused on deporting felons, not families,” a senior Obama administration official told reporters.

    The White House hopes to have the new deferred action program in place by the spring, but anticipates the DACA expansion will be implemented sooner, officials told reporters.

    The plans exclude relief for the parents of DACA recipients, often called Dreamers, who advocates hoped would get the same reprieve as parents of U.S. citizen and legal resident children. Agricultural workers were also left out, despite efforts by immigration advocates to include them. Administration officials said they considered both populations for relief, but determined the legal grounds were not as strong. Officials said some parents of Dreamers and some agricultural workers will likely be eligible for reprieve based on other factors. 

    The administration and supporters of executive action have stressed that numerous presidents — including Republicans Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — have taken executive action on immigration. The legal basis behind giving deportation relief is prosecutorial discretion, or the need by enforcement agencies and prosecutors to prioritize whom they will target.

    “Presidents have been using this power going back as far as Eisenhower,” another senior Obama administration official told reporters.

    The 2012 DACA policy will serve as a model for the new actions. Under that program, decisions are made on a case-by-case basis, with specific limits for age, criminal record, education and more. The new deferred action policies will follow the same model: allowing undocumented immigrants to apply for consideration, but not granting relief across the board. Like DACA, the new policies are temporary, can be revoked and do not put immigrants on a pathway toward citizenship.

    Undocumented immigrants granted deferred action, including under DACA, can receive work authorization if they demonstrate “an economic necessity for employment.” They will be given Social Security numbers and required to pay taxes, but will not be eligible for Obamacare subsidies or most other government benefits.

    Administration officials said the deferred action program would make it easier for immigration agents to focus on high-priority offenders. “It’s like taking a lot of the hay out of the haystack,” a senior Obama administration official told reporters.

    Obama has said he was forced to take executive action because House Republicans refused to pass a bill. He has said he hopes the GOP will take up immigration reform now, and said that legislation could supersede his actions. Several Senate Democrats also expressed concern that Obama was acting without Congress, and said they would prefer he wait for legislation.

    Republicans, meanwhile, have said Obama’s move is a radical overreach beyond prosecutorial discretion, and potentially an impeachable offense. They’ve pointed in particular to the president’s past statements when asked whether he could expand prosecutorial discretion. “I’m not a king,” he said in January 2013 when asked if he could unilaterally halt deportations.

    “The president has said before that he’s not king and he’s not an emperor,” House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said in a video posted to YouTube Thursday ahead of Obama’s speech. “But he’s sure acting like one.”

    Obama administration officials told reporters that Obama’s statements were referring to his inability to stop deportations across the board or to implement the Senate-passed comprehensive immigration reform bill — although many of the questions asked were about expanding deferred action in a way more like what the president is doing now.

    Officials said they are confident the policies could withstand a lawsuit. In a conference call on Thursday, senior administration officials said that in crafting the action they “were influenced by the fact that Congress has already recognized a relationship between the child citizen and a parent as a relationship that congress wants to protect.”

    The administration will release an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel fully explaining the legal underpinnings of the action after the announcement.

    As for defunding the program, Democrats believe it would be difficult or impossible for Republicans to defund the program because the agency implementing it is self-funded, a fact the House Appropriations Committee acknowledged on Thursday. But the White House nevertheless said it expects numerous attempts by Republicans to block the executive actions.


  3. Pingback: Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant policies | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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