Honduran dictators kill

This 2017 video from the USA is called Femicide, Part 1: Honduras, one of the most dangerous places to be a woman | ABC News.

From Associated Press:

[Honduran President] Zelaya told the Argentine cable channel Todo Noticias that 10 of his supporters had been killed, though he gave no details. Authorities said there were no deaths at all, though they said one person suffered a gunshot wound.

Dr. Mario Sanchez at the Escuela Hospital in Tegucigalpa said three people were treated for gunshot wounds there, however.

From AFP today:

“These fascists have dared to surround the embassy of Brazil, have beaten people, they have killed two comrades and tortured people,” said Bertha Caceres of the Civil Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras.

Tirza Flores, a member of the group Judges for Democracy, described a “situation of total chaos” and said police were making “mass arrests.”

From RTÉ news in Ireland:

A man has been shot dead in a clash between police and supporters of ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya.

It was the first reported death in political violence since Mr Zelaya, who was forced into exile by a 28 June coup, arrived back to Honduras on Monday and sought refuge in the Brazilian embassy.

The man, a Zelaya supporter aged 65, was killed in the Flor del Campo district of the capital.

From Xinhua news agency:

Two people died during a turmoil arose in the country since Monday when ousted President Manuel Zelaya returned to Honduras, Honduran police spokesman Orlin Cerrato said on Wednesday.

This is definitely not the first time that the Honduras dictators have killed.

Shaun Joseph, recently returned from a solidarity delegation to Honduras, analyzes the latest stage in the struggle to stop the coup against Manuel Zelaya: here.

The United Nations has suspended electoral assistance worth about $1.3m to Honduras, saying that conditions in the country are “not favourable” for polls scheduled for November: here.

3 thoughts on “Honduran dictators kill

  1. Honduras soccer suffers due to political crisis: coach

    http://www.chinaview.cn 2009-09-24 08:39:47

    MEXICO CITY, Sept. 23 (Xinhua) — The post-coup political crisis in Honduras is starting to harm its national sport soccer, former head coach of the country’s national team Ramon Maradiago said on Wednesday.

    “The coup has hit football. Fans don’t go to the stadiums, there is a financial deficit and all club directors are in trouble,” he said in Mexico City, where he is accompanying Honduran team Real Espana for their match with Mexico soccer giant Pumas.

    The trainer said that club directors “are feeling strain in fulfilling financial obligations to some players”.

    Maradiago, who had played professional soccer for Spanish league team Tenerife before turning to coach, said that Real Espana was not one of those worst hit, but “there is a real sense that players are living with constant uncertainty.”

    Manuel Zelaya was deposed from Honduras’ presidency in June 28 coup, but returned this week to capital Tegucigalpa to demand the post-coup government restore him to power.

    “Football is pain relief. It relaxes and distracts us. It pulls us out of bad feelings,” said Maradiago on Wednesday.

    “But we have heard lately that the current round of the league has been suspended. All we can do is hope that things are not about to get worse,” he said.


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