Stanford financial scandal cover-up

This is a video from the USA about the Stanford scandal.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission ignored warnings from a former employee of Stanford Group six years before the federal regulatory agency seized the offshore investment firm and charged Texas billionaire Robert Allen Stanford with running a $8 billion Ponzi scheme: here.

6 thoughts on “Stanford financial scandal cover-up

  1. SEC charges pair over giant fraud

    US: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged a prominent Miami couple on Wednesday with operating a $135 million (£90m) Ponzi scam that defrauded hundreds of people, mostly elderly US citizens of Cuban origin.

    The SEC complaint filed in Miami federal court claims that Gaston Cantens and his wife Teresita Cantens promised unusually high returns of between 9 per cent and 16 per cent on investments in their Royal West Properties company.

    But when the firm’s fortunes went sour as mortgage holders defaulted, the Cantens allegedly began using money from new investors to pay off older ones.

    SEC official Eric Bustillo said: “The Cantens used their prominent standing in a close-knit Cuban-American community to ruthlessly exploit vulnerable elderly investors who trusted them with their life savings.”


  2. Once a billionaire, Stanford now indigent


    R. Allen Stanford’s attorney, Robert S. Bennett, was removed from his criminal-defense trial team by a federal judge after the indicted financier was found indigent.

    U.S. District Judge David Hittner, who will preside over Stanford’s criminal trial, relieved Bennett of his trial duties at a hearing in Houston federal court. The judge rejected three lawyers proffered by Stanford and appointed two others.

    “Indigent defendants do not have the right to select their own attorneys,” Hittner said. The judge didn’t postpone the financier’s trial scheduled for Jan. 24. New attorneys Robert Scardino and Ali Fazel told him they would be ready.

    Stanford, 60, is accused of leading a $7 billion investment fraud scheme centered on the sale of certificates of deposit by his Antigua-based Stanford International Bank Ltd.


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