British nazi terrorism

From British daily The Morning Star:

Supremacist terror attack thwarted by chance

Monday 29 June 2009

A white supremacist arrested by chance at a Suffolk railway station last year turned out to be “on the cusp” of launching a campaign of terrorism, the Old Bailey has heard.

Jurors were told that Neil Lewington had developed a bomb factory in his bedroom at his parents’ home and aimed to target those he considered non-British.

According to the prosecution, he had an “unhealthy interest” in the London nail bomber David Copeland, the United States Unabomber and Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh.

Lewington was arrested at Lowestoft station in Suffolk last year after abusing a female train conductor. He was found to be carrying the component parts of two viable improvised incendiary devices.

Later searches of his home revealed a notebook entitled Waffen SS UK Members’ Handbook, containing drawings of electronics and chemical mixtures.

See also here. And here.

The BNP: here. And here.

British far right launch campaign of violence and intimidation against opponents: here.

USA: I hear the expressions of rage directed towards Washington from the Tea Partiers and I wonder if there are more Oklahoma Cities in our future: here.

5 thoughts on “British nazi terrorism

  1. Police are investigating a global arms ring supplying white supremacist groups who are becoming a serious terrorist threat to Britain, a senior officer revealed on Thursday.

    “There is a growing right-wing threat, not just Al-Qaeda,” Sir Norman Bettison, chief constable of West Yorkshire police, told a security conference in London, stressing that Islamist terror is not the only problem.

    Sir Norman, whose force runs a regional counter-terrorism unit in Leeds, said more than 30 people in the UK had been investigated and pipe bombs, rocket launchers, grenades and firearms seized during the operation so far.

    There had been arrests in the UK, continental Europe, New Zealand and Australia, he said. Some 300 firearms and 80 homemade bombs had been recovered.,Authorised=false.html?


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