Goldfinch eating dandelions

This is a video of a goldfinch sitting on a fence, on plants, etc.

Saturday 26 October. The third full day in Bourbévelle.

Great tit, black redstart, just outside the farm.

Nuthatch sound.


Tree sparrows just behind the farm.

Then, a goldfinch lands on a dandelion gone to seed just two meter away from me. While I don’t move, he eats seed after seed of the flower. When the flower is finished, he walks to another dandelion, a meter further. Then, to a third dandelion, still further. Then he flies about five meter to the fourth dandelion. Then, he briefly sits down on the top of a small fruit tree. Then, he goes on, to eat dandelion number five.

Green woodpecker. Blue tit. Long-tailed tit at the end of the orchard.

Pied wagtail on the roof.

A group of fieldfares in the fruit trees.

3 thoughts on “Goldfinch eating dandelions

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