Seabirds of Peru

This video in Spanish from Chile is about the Peruvian tern.

From BirdLife:

Peru’s spectacular seabirds seeking sanctuary


Peru’s seabirds, especially the spectacular aggregations at its guano islands, are world famous. However, a new BirdLife report indicates that many of the sites and species are under increased threat and urgently need better protection. …

The report also highlights the plight of three Globally Threatened, and declining, seabirds for which Peru holds a big portion of the world population:

Vulnerable Humboldt Penguin Spheniscus humboldtii: now fewer than 5,000 birds remain. They are threatened by fisheries bycatch and competition as well as disturbance and illegal capture.
Endangered Peruvian Diving Petrel Pelecanoides garnotii: now restricted to two main sites and threatened by hunting, introduced predators, reduced food availability and fisheries bycatch.
Endangered Peruvian Tern Sterna lorata: now fewer than 1,000 birds at no more than three known breeding sites and threatened there by disturbance and coastal development.

The Peruvian government has moved to protect 33 guano sites—both islands and peninsulas—as well as surrounding waters in a bid to save declining bird populations: here.

UN set gold standard for reducing seabird bycatch: here.

Seabirds of Brazil: here.

“American Bird Conservancy and ECOAN are committed to conserving threatened species and their habitats in Peru, including the Marvelous Spatuletail, an amazing hummingbird found only in Peru, and the rare Long-whiskered Owlet,” said study co-author Hugo Arnal, American Bird Conservancy’s Director of International Sustainable Conservation: here.

The amazing mating display of the marvellous spatule hummingbird has been filmed in full for the first time: here.

3 thoughts on “Seabirds of Peru

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