Rupert Murdoch takes over Wall Street Journal

This video from the USA is called A Bill Moyers essay on Rupert Murdoch and The Wall Street Journal.

By Jerry White:

The takeover of Dow Jones & Company by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation was finalized late Tuesday evening. The $5 billion deal will add the Wall Street Journal and other assets to Murdoch’s worldwide media empire and lead to a further concentration of the media in the hands of a few super-rich individuals and vast conglomerates.

News Corporation, which is valued at $28 billion, already controls over 100 newspapers worldwide, including the Times of London, the Australian, the New York Post and the Chicago Sun-Times. It also owns the Fox television network in the US and Sky News in the UK and dozens of other media companies, ranging from film and home entertainment to satellite broadcasting, magazine and book publishing and the Internet, where it recently bought the social networking web site MySpace.

Several other media giants also made bids for Dow Jones, including General Electric Co. (owner of NBC and Universal Pictures), which attempted to form a group with Microsoft, IAC/InterActiveCorp’s Barry Diller and Pearson PLC, owner of the Financial Times.

Murdoch, who is ranked 32nd in Forbes magazine’s list of the richest 400 Americans, with a net worth of $7.7 billion, made the highest bid at $60 a share—or 67 percent higher than Dow Jones’s share price of $36 when the offer became public.

MySpace: here.

10 thoughts on “Rupert Murdoch takes over Wall Street Journal

  1. Dear Activist,

    I remember very clearly the daily fearmongering led by FOX as they cheered for war with Iraq. The 24/7 images, sound effects, yelling and threatening were an ever-present drumbeat for war. We had to invade, and we had to invade now.. anyone who didn’t see that was a traitor. They viciously attacked those of us who worked to get out the truth.

    You’d think that with the complete failure in Iraq, those days would be behind us. Sadly, you’d be wrong.

    Now FOX wants war with Iran.

    It’s almost too ridiculous to believe, but it’s shockingly real. We’ve already compiled over 4 hours of FOX footage… the same images, sound effects, yelling and threatening that led the U.S. to invade Iraq is happening right now to sell a war with Iran. They are saying the exact same things!!

    Here is the video evidence, side-by-side with what they said about Iraq.

    But this time is different. We’re prepared, and we have the means to alert people to what FOX is doing. Everyone has seen the terrible tragedy and the awful price paid by so many Iraqis and Americans. We know this is coming, and we can stop it.

    It was about this time in the lead-up to the Iraq war when the other TV networks started following FOX’s lead. As CNN’s Christiane Amanpour says in the video, they were intimidated by FOX into cheerleading for the Iraq war.


    This is a critical moment, and we must send a message to the major television networks urging them to ask tough questions, be skeptical, and tell us what is really happening. They must not follow FOX down the road to another war.

    We’ve put together an open letter to the networks. Will you sign it?

    Sign the letter:

    Please forward this message on to everyone you know. We must raise our voices now. This is so important, we cannot let history repeat itself.

    Robert Greenwald
    and the Brave New Films team

    P.S. Here are some recent articles on war with Iran:

    “The balance in the internal White House debate over Iran has shifted back in favour of military action before President George Bush leaves office in 18 months”
    – The Guardian


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