Iraqis, Afghans, US soldiers die. War profiteers profit

This video is called The Tale of Prince – A War Profiteer.

‘Examining the life of Erik Prince, the founder of the private army firm Blackwater. From the producers of ‘Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers‘.’

Blackwater ordered out of Iraq: here.

From the Washington Post in the USA:

Defense Earnings Continue To Soar

War, Technology Drive Up Spending

By Renae Merle
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, July 30, 2007; Page D01

Several of Washington’s largest defense contractors said last week that they continue to benefit from a boom in spending on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as sustained government demand for information technology, defying predictions that the sector’s expansion would begin to slow.

Profit reports from Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics [see also here] and Lockheed Martin showed particularly strong results in operations in the region. Though the wars have started to reduce the Pentagon’s appetite for large, futuristic weapons that traditionally drive these companies’ bottom lines, the shift in defense spending hasn’t hurt profits.

See also here.

And here.

US arms export to the Middle East: here.

Lockheed Martin Missles and Space (LMMS), the primary private contractor involved in aerospace weapons manufacture for the U.S. Navy, has leaked classified missile engineering drawings that document decades of ballistic missile work: here.