French Rightist Sarkozy government censors film on women’s rights

Internet censorship, cartoon

This time not a censorship case in Spain, but in Spain’s northern neighbour France.

From French daily L’Humanité:

By Marie-Noëlle Bertrand

French Education Minister Intends Keeping Prize-Winning Cannes Film out of the Schools

Translated Sunday 22 July 2007, by Patrick Bolland

Censorship: France’s minister of national education, Xavier Darcos, may ban the DVD version for classroom use of Christian Mungui’s film “4 months, 3 weeks & 2 days”, winner of this year’s Golden Palm at the Cannes film festival. Many are condemning this concession to the anti-abortion lobby.

Is Xavier Darcos about to repress his urge to be a censor … or is he about to pour petrol on the flames? Just last Friday (6 July), the minister of national education was obstinately defending his decision to refuse to allow the film 4 months, 3 weeks & 2 days to be shown in state high schools – despite its crowning at this year’s Cannes film festival. But then, on Saturday, when reactions to the decision started coming in, the minister suspended the sentence.

The Sarkozy government and Iran: here.

The Sarkozy government and the right to strike: here.

Abortion in the US South: here.

2 thoughts on “French Rightist Sarkozy government censors film on women’s rights

  1. Pingback: French president Sarkozy’s speech on Africa gets much criticism | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: French President Macron’s Internet censorship plans | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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