Invasive animal species in Dutch sea water

Didemnum molle

At the marine biology day today, the first presentation by Rob Leewis.

His subject was invasive animal species in Dutch sea water.

As, for instance, international shipping increases, more new animal species than before find their way to Dutch waters.

The biggest share, 20%, of those new species arriving, is on ships’ hulls.

Many of those species do not survive in the long run.

Of those that do, only a small minority causes real ecological and/or economical problems.

One of those is the sea squirt Didemnum, which increased dramatically in Zealand province after the harsh winter of 1996 had harmed many of its competitors and predators.

Another new species, the leathery sea squirt, did not increase so strongly.

Recently, also fish species like the Atlantic croaker and the round goby were found for the first time in The Netherlands.

Neogobius kessleri in Dutch rivers: here. And here.

Invasive seaweed and marine animals in Scotland: here.

Gobies in Pacific coral reefs: here.

Tubesnout fish lays eggs in sea squirts: here.

The bearded goby is eating its jellyfish predators off the coast of Africa: here.

4 thoughts on “Invasive animal species in Dutch sea water

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