Racism in the USA nowadays

This 21 July 2020 United States TV video says about itself:

Charges filed against Mark and Patricia McCloskey

St. Louis prosecutors on Monday filed charges against Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the Central West End couple seen pointing guns at protesters in late June. Patricia and Mark McCloskey are each facing one count of Unlawful Use of a Weapon – Flourishing, sources told News 4.

Read more here.

The rabbi who is neighbor to Mark and Patricia McCloskey speaks out: ‘They are bullies’.

In one of the stranger reported conflicts, Kohler found the McCloskeys destroyed beehives along the outside of their northern wall that were placed there by the neighbouring synagogue as a part of their childrens’ programming. “The children were crying,” the rabbi told Kohler: here.

The Republican convention: Four nights of fascist filth begin. 25 August 2020. The convention opened Monday with the renomination of President Trump and a series of diatribes against socialism.

Trump, aides embrace fascist Republican candidates. By Patrick Martin, 25 August 2020. At a press briefing last week, the US president delivered an extraordinary thumbs-up to the QAnon online grouping, which justifies violence against his political opponents.

Kimberly Guilfoyle invokes ‘cosmopolitan elites’ in Republican National Committee speech.

Man behind the ‘Goyim Defense League’ responsible for anti-Semitic LA highway banner.

Social media users debate tweet comparing racism in U.S. with Nazi Germany.

This is our fight!: ICE is forcing Muslims to eat pork.

2 thoughts on “Racism in the USA nowadays

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