COVID-19 disaster in Donald Trump’s USA continues

This 28 May 2020 video says about itself:

More than 100,000 people now dead from coronavirus in the US

The United States has become the first country in the world to record 100,000 deaths from the novel coronavirus.

The total number of infections in the US is just shy of 1.7 million.

But it is still loosening restrictions aimed at stopping the pandemic.

Al Jazeera’s Kristen Saloomey reports.

MORE THAN 100,000 PEOPLE HAVE DIED OF COVID-19 IN THE U.S. The confirmed COVID-19 death toll in the United States has surpassed 100,000, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. The U.S. continues to have the greatest coronavirus death toll of any country in the world — around triple that of the United Kingdom, which ranks second in total deaths. [HuffPost]

GOP group gives Trump a harsh reminder of his biggest coronavirus blunder.

PENNSYLVANIA DEMS: GOP KEPT LAWMAKER’S CORONAVIRUS  SECRET FOR A WEEK Democrats in Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives are outraged after learning a Republican lawmaker tested positive for the coronavirus and they weren’t notified for a week. State Rep. Andrew Lewis (R) said in a Facebook post that he tested positive for COVID-19 on May 20 and immediately began self-isolating. Republicans, who hold a majority in the House, were told. But Democrats said the GOP withheld the diagnosis from the full chamber as they publicly pressured the governor to reopen the state. [HuffPost]

How the Bronx became New York’s virus hot spot.

MLB owners want to use the pandemic to bust baseball‘s players union.

Wastewater could provide up to a week of warning for a COVID-19 spike. Finding coronavirus RNA in sewage may signal that people in a community are infected: here.

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